Found 1472 acronyms in 0.01 seconds.
Showing acronyms spanning at least 9 words:Acronym | Expanded | Score | |
APACE | AdaPtive Ai CognitivE | 3.00 | 3 |
INACTIVE | INspired Ai CogniTIVE | 3.00 | 3 |
ABRAM | Adaptive BehavioRAl Models | 3.00 | 3 |
ABEAM | Adaptive BEhaviorAl Models | 3.00 | 3 |
DIRAC | aDaptive InspiRed Ai Cognitive | 4.50 | 4 |
ABORT | Adaptive Behavioral mOdels RoboTic | 4.50 | 4 |
APIECE | AdaPtIvE CognitivE | 4.50 | 2 |
ABHOR | Adaptive BeHavioral mOdels Robotic | 4.50 | 4 |
ABE | Adaptive BEhavioral | 4.50 | 2 |
ABEL | Adaptive BEhavioraL | 4.50 | 2 |
ACNE | Ai CogNitivE | 4.50 | 2 |
ACE | Ai CognitivE | 4.50 | 2 |
ACONITE | Ai COgNITivE | 4.50 | 2 |
ACT | Ai CogniTive | 4.50 | 2 |
ACTIVE | Ai CogniTIVE | 4.50 | 2 |
ABORTION | Adaptive Behavioral mOdels RoboTIc cOgNitive | 5.40 | 5 |
DEMONIAC | aDaptive bEhavioral MOdels iNspIred Ai Cognitive | 6.00 | 6 |
APHRODISIAC | AdaPtive beHavioRal mODels InSpIred Ai Cognitive | 6.00 | 6 |
INDICT | INspireD aI CogniTive | 6.00 | 3 |
ABALONE | Adaptive BehAvioraL cOgNitivE | 6.00 | 3 |
DEACON | aDaptivE Ai COgNitive | 6.00 | 3 |
ADVICE | ADaptiVe aI CognitivE | 6.00 | 3 |
ABODE | Adaptive Behavioral mODEls | 6.00 | 3 |
ABOVE | Adaptive Behavioral cOgnitiVE | 6.00 | 3 |
DACE | aDaptive Ai CognitivE | 6.00 | 3 |
APHORISTIC | AdaPtive beHavioral mOdels RobotIc SysTems aI Cognitive | 6.43 | 7 |
ABRADER | Adaptive BehavioRAl moDEls Robotic | 6.75 | 4 |
ABIDER | Adaptive BehavIoral moDEls Robotic | 6.75 | 4 |
DEMOTIC | aDaptive bEhavioral Models rOboTIc Cognitive | 7.20 | 5 |
AIRSPACE | AdaptIve bRain inSPired Ai CognitivE | 7.20 | 5 |
APHORISM | AdaPtive beHavioral mOdels RobotIc SysteMs | 7.20 | 5 |
AEROSPACE | Adaptive bEhavioRal mOdels inSPired Ai CognitivE | 7.50 | 6 |
ABOMINATE | Adaptive BehaviOral Models INspired Ai cogniTivE | 9.00 | 6 |
DEMOTION | aDaptive bEhavioral Models rOboTic aI cOgNitive | 9.00 | 6 |
DERISION | aDaptive bEhavioral bRain InSpired aI cOgNitive | 9.00 | 6 |
ABRASION | Adaptive Behavioral bRAin inSpired aI cOgNitive | 9.00 | 6 |
DIVISION | aDaptIVe InSpired aI cOgNitive | 9.00 | 4 |
DRAINAGE | aDaptive bRAin INspired Ai coGnitivE | 9.00 | 5 |
AEOLIAN | Adaptive bEhavioral mOdeLs Inspired Ai cogNitive | 9.00 | 6 |
AVERAGE | AdaptiVe bEhavioRal Ai coGnitivE | 9.00 | 4 |
APHONIC | AdaPtive beHavioral mOdels iNspired aI Cognitive | 9.00 | 6 |
AEROBIC | Adaptive bEhavioRal mOdels roBotic aI Cognitive | 9.00 | 6 |
DEMOTE | aDaptive bEhavioral Models cOgniTivE | 9.00 | 4 |
DELICTI | aDaptive bEhavioraL aI CogniTIve | 9.00 | 4 |
ABORTER | Adaptive Behavioral mOdels Robotic sysTEms bRain | 9.00 | 6 |
STANNIC | SysTems brAiN iNspired aI Cognitive | 9.00 | 5 |
SYRIAN | SYstems bRain Inspired Ai cogNitive | 9.00 | 5 |
AIDAN | Adaptive InspireD Ai cogNitive | 9.00 | 4 |
ARIAN | Adaptive bRain Inspired Ai cogNitive | 9.00 | 5 |
ADRIAN | ADaptive bRain Inspired Ai cogNitive | 9.00 | 5 |
AVIAN | AdaptiVe Inspired Ai cogNitive | 9.00 | 4 |
DAEMON | aDAptive bEhavioral Models cOgNitive | 9.00 | 4 |
DEMON | aDaptive bEhavioral Models cOgNitive | 9.00 | 4 |
BANDAGE | BrAin iNspireD Ai coGnitivE | 9.00 | 4 |
BASIC | BrAin inSpired aI Cognitive | 9.00 | 4 |
BRIAN | BRain Inspired Ai cogNitive | 9.00 | 4 |
ASPIC | Adaptive inSPired aI Cognitive | 9.00 | 4 |
ANION | Adaptive iNspired aI cOgNitive | 9.00 | 4 |
ADAGE | ADaptive Ai coGnitivE | 9.00 | 3 |
ABIDE | Adaptive BehavIoral moDEls | 9.00 | 3 |
ABRADE | Adaptive BehavioRAl moDEls | 9.00 | 3 |
AVON | AdaptiVe cOgNitive | 9.00 | 2 |
AEON | Adaptive bEhavioral cOgNitive | 9.00 | 3 |
DEMO | aDaptive bEhavioral Models cOgnitive | 9.00 | 4 |
AVER | AdaptiVe bEhavioRal | 9.00 | 2 |
ABLER | Adaptive BehavioraL modEls Robotic | 9.00 | 4 |
NICE | iNspired aI CognitivE | 9.00 | 3 |
SAC | inSpired Ai Cognitive | 9.00 | 3 |
SPACE | inSPired Ai CognitivE | 9.00 | 3 |
DICE | aDaptive aI CognitivE | 9.00 | 3 |
ADAPTIVE | ADAPTIVe bEhavioral | 9.00 | 2 |
AERO | Adaptive bEhavioRal cOgnitive | 9.00 | 3 |
AVE | AdaptiVe bEhavioral | 9.00 | 2 |
ATONE | AdapTive cOgNitivE | 9.00 | 2 |
DECO | aDaptive bEhavioral COgnitive | 9.00 | 3 |
DIEM | aDaptIve bEhavioral Models | 9.00 | 3 |
DEEM | aDaptivE bEhavioral Models | 9.00 | 3 |
ATE | AdapTive bEhavioral | 9.00 | 2 |
ICE | aI CognitivE | 9.00 | 2 |
ICON | aI COgNitive | 9.00 | 2 |
ADO | ADaptive cOgnitive | 9.00 | 2 |
APE | AdaPtive bEhavioral | 9.00 | 2 |
APER | AdaPtive bEhavioRal | 9.00 | 2 |
DEB | aDaptivE Behavioral | 9.00 | 2 |
DEBAR | aDaptivE BehAvioRal | 9.00 | 2 |
DEBRA | aDaptivE BehavioRAl | 9.00 | 2 |
DAB | aDAptive Behavioral | 9.00 | 2 |
ABYSSINIAN | Adaptive Behavioral sYStemS braIN Inspired Ai cogNitive | 10.29 | 7 |
AVERSION | AdaptiVe bEhavioral bRain inSpired aI cOgNitive | 10.50 | 6 |
PHARISAIC | adaPtive beHaviorAl bRain InSpired AI Cognitive | 10.50 | 6 |
ABORTIVE | Adaptive Behavioral mOdels RoboTic cognItiVE | 10.80 | 5 |
APHASIC | AdaPtive beHAvioral inSpired aI Cognitive | 10.80 | 5 |
TRANSACT | sysTems bRAin iNSpired Ai CogniTive | 10.80 | 5 |
DEMEAN | aDaptive bEhavioral ModEls Ai cogNitive | 10.80 | 5 |
DEVIANT | aDaptive bEhaVioral Inspired Ai cogNiTive | 10.80 | 5 |
AVARICE | AdaptiVe behAvioRal aI CognitivE | 11.25 | 4 |
DISDAIN | aDaptive InSpireD AI cogNitive | 11.25 | 4 |
ANDANTE | Adaptive iNspireD Ai cogNiTivE | 11.25 | 4 |
ABELSON | Adaptive Behavioral modELS cOgNitive | 11.25 | 4 |
ADAMSON | ADaptive behAvioral ModelS cOgNitive | 11.25 | 4 |
APRICOT | Adaptive insPiRed aI COgniTive | 11.25 | 4 |
DIANE | aDaptive Inspired Ai cogNitivE | 11.25 | 4 |
PEACE | adaPtive bEhavioral Ai CognitivE | 11.25 | 4 |
DIVERSION | aDaptIVe bEhavioral bRain inSpired aI cOgNitive | 12.00 | 6 |
DEVONIAN | aDaptive bEhaVioral mOdels iNspIred Ai cogNitive | 12.00 | 6 |
AVIONIC | Adaptive behaVIoral mOdels iNspired aI Cognitive | 12.00 | 6 |
INSANE | INSpired Ai cogNitivE | 12.00 | 3 |
DEVOTE | aDaptive bEhaVioral cOgniTivE | 12.00 | 3 |
IRAN | InspiRed Ai cogNitive | 12.00 | 3 |
IRANI | InspiRed Ai cogNitIve | 12.00 | 3 |
INANE | INspired Ai cogNitivE | 12.00 | 3 |
AVANT | AdaptiVe Ai cogNiTive | 12.00 | 3 |
IAIN | Inspired AI cogNitive | 12.00 | 3 |
ABLE | Adaptive BehavioraL modEls | 12.00 | 3 |
DEVON | aDaptive bEhaVioral cOgNitive | 12.00 | 3 |
IAN | Inspired Ai cogNitive | 12.00 | 3 |
NAG | iNspired Ai coGnitive | 12.00 | 3 |
SPICE | inSPired aI CognitivE | 12.00 | 3 |
SIC | inSpired aI Cognitive | 12.00 | 3 |
PACT | insPired Ai CogniTive | 12.00 | 3 |
PACE | insPired Ai CognitivE | 12.00 | 3 |
ADAPTED | ADAPTive bEhavioral moDels | 12.00 | 3 |
ADAM | ADaptive behAvioral Models | 12.00 | 3 |
APED | AdaPtive bEhavioral moDels | 12.00 | 3 |
PEDESTRIAN | adaPtive bEhavioral moDEls SysTems bRain Inspired Ai cogNitive | 12.38 | 8 |
ATHERTON | AdapTive beHavioral modEls RoboTic cOgNitive | 12.60 | 5 |
STRIATE | SysTems bRain Inspired Ai cogniTivE | 12.60 | 5 |
TRIAGE | sysTems bRain Inspired Ai coGnitivE | 12.60 | 5 |
ADENINE | ADaptive bEhavioral iNspired aI cogNitivE | 12.60 | 5 |
DEPICT | aDaptive bEhavioral insPired aI CogniTive | 12.60 | 5 |
ADAMANT | ADaptive behAvioral Models Ai cogNiTive | 12.60 | 5 |
DERELICT | aDaptive bEhavioRal modELs aI CogniTive | 12.60 | 5 |
DAMAGE | aDaptive behAvioral Models Ai coGnitivE | 12.60 | 5 |
DIVORCE | aDaptIve behaVioral mOdels Robotic CognitivE | 12.60 | 5 |
DOMINIC | aDaptive behaviOral Models INspired aI Cognitive | 13.50 | 6 |
ASININE | Adaptive Systems braIn iNspired aI cogNitivE | 13.50 | 6 |
PHONIC | adaPtive beHavioral mOdels iNspired aI Cognitive | 13.50 | 6 |
PEONAGE | adaPtive bEhavioral mOdels iNspired Ai coGnitivE | 13.50 | 6 |
PINION | adaPtive INspired aI cOgNitive | 13.50 | 4 |
AVIATE | AdaptiVe Inspired Ai cogniTivE | 13.50 | 4 |
ABLATE | Adaptive BehavioraL Ai cogniTivE | 13.50 | 4 |
DAMSON | aDaptive behAvioral ModelS cOgNitive | 13.50 | 4 |
DAMON | aDaptive behAvioral Models cOgNitive | 13.50 | 4 |
BRACT | Brain inspiRed Ai CogniTive | 13.50 | 4 |
BRACE | Brain inspiRed Ai CognitivE | 13.50 | 4 |
RAISIN | bRAin InSpired aI cogNitive | 13.50 | 4 |
ASIAN | Adaptive inSpIred Ai cogNitive | 13.50 | 4 |
ASPIRANT | Adaptive inSPIRed Ai cogNiTive | 13.50 | 4 |
DEIGN | aDaptive bEhavioral aI coGNitive | 13.50 | 4 |
DEAN | aDaptive bEhavioral Ai cogNitive | 13.50 | 4 |
DEANE | aDaptive bEhavioral Ai cogNitivE | 13.50 | 4 |
ABATE | Adaptive Behavioral Ai cogniTivE | 13.50 | 4 |
DIVOT | aDaptIVe cOgniTive | 13.50 | 2 |
DEMESNE | aDaptive bEhavioral ModElS cogNitivE | 13.50 | 4 |
DEER | aDaptive bEhavioral modEls Robotic | 13.50 | 4 |
DIE | aDaptIve bEhavioral | 13.50 | 2 |
DIVE | aDaptIVe bEhavioral | 13.50 | 2 |
DATIVE | aDApTIVe bEhavioral | 13.50 | 2 |
DATE | aDApTive bEhavioral | 13.50 | 2 |
DAVE | aDAptiVe bEhavioral | 13.50 | 2 |
DEE | aDaptivE bEhavioral | 13.50 | 2 |
DOT | aDaptive cOgniTive | 13.50 | 2 |
DOTE | aDaptive cOgniTivE | 13.50 | 2 |
DOE | aDaptive cOgnitivE | 13.50 | 2 |
DON | aDaptive cOgNitive | 13.50 | 2 |
DONE | aDaptive cOgNitivE | 13.50 | 2 |
DOVE | aDaptive cOgnitiVE | 13.50 | 2 |
DOG | aDaptive cOGnitive | 13.50 | 2 |
DOGE | aDaptive cOGnitivE | 13.50 | 2 |
ION | aI cOgNitive | 13.50 | 2 |
DEAL | aDaptive bEhAvioraL | 13.50 | 2 |
DEVIL | aDaptive bEhaVIoraL | 13.50 | 2 |
AGE | Ai coGnitivE | 13.50 | 2 |
AHA | Adaptive beHAvioral | 13.50 | 2 |
DEAR | aDaptive bEhAvioRal | 13.50 | 2 |
DELINEATE | aDaptive bEhavioraL INspirEd Ai cogniTivE | 14.40 | 5 |
ADVERTISE | ADaptive behaVioral modEls RoboTIc SystEms | 14.40 | 5 |
PENSION | adaPtive bEhavioral iNSpired aI cOgNitive | 14.40 | 5 |
PINNACE | adaPtive braIN iNspired Ai CognitivE | 14.40 | 5 |
ADHESION | ADaptive beHavioral modElS aI cOgNitive | 14.40 | 5 |
AVERSE | Adaptive behaVioral modEls Robotic SystEms | 14.40 | 5 |
ADVERSE | ADaptive behaVioral modEls Robotic SystEms | 14.40 | 5 |
DEMIST | aDaptive bEhavioral Models robotIc SysTems | 14.40 | 5 |
DEMISE | aDaptive bEhavioral Models robotIc SystEms | 14.40 | 5 |
MANIAC | systeMs brAiN Inspired Ai Cognitive | 14.40 | 5 |
ARSINE | Adaptive bRain inSpired aI cogNitivE | 14.40 | 5 |
PANIC | adaPtive brAin iNspired aI Cognitive | 14.40 | 5 |
DEVIATE | aDaptive bEhaVioral Inspired Ai cogniTivE | 14.40 | 5 |
DESIGN | aDaptive bEhavioral inSpired aI coGNitive | 14.40 | 5 |
ATOMIC | AdapTive behaviOral Models aI Cognitive | 14.40 | 5 |
APHELION | AdaPtive beHavioral modELs aI cOgNitive | 14.40 | 5 |
ARAMAIC | Adaptive behavioRAl Models AI Cognitive | 14.40 | 5 |
TARMAC | adapTive behAvioRal Models Ai Cognitive | 14.40 | 5 |
PEDRO | adaPtive bEhavioral moDels Robotic cOgnitive | 14.40 | 5 |
ABLOOM | Adaptive BehavioraL mOdels rObotic systeMs | 14.40 | 5 |
DERMIS | aDaptive bEhavioRal Models robotIc Systems | 14.40 | 5 |
DEVILRY | aDaptive bEhaVIoral modeLs Robotic sYstems | 14.40 | 5 |
PEERS | adaPtive bEhavioral modEls Robotic Systems | 14.40 | 5 |
PEEVERS | adaPtivE bEhaVioral modEls Robotic Systems | 14.40 | 5 |
DIMENSION | aDaptive behavIoral ModEls iNSpired aI cOgNitive | 15.00 | 6 |
DISSENSION | aDaptIve SyStEms braiN inSpired aI cOgNitive | 15.00 | 6 |
OCEANIC | rObotiC systEms brAin iNspired aI Cognitive | 15.00 | 6 |
DOMINION | aDaptive behaviOral Models INspired aI cOgNitive | 15.00 | 6 |
ABERRANT | Adaptive BEhavioral bRain inspiRed Ai cogNiTive | 15.00 | 6 |
IBERIAN | adaptIve BEhavioral bRain Inspired Ai cogNitive | 15.00 | 6 |
ATHENIAN | AdapTive beHavioral modEls iNspIred Ai cogNitive | 15.00 | 6 |
ROSARIO | RobOtic Systems brAin inspiRed aI cOgnitive | 15.00 | 6 |
BOSNIAN | roBOtic Systems braiN Inspired Ai cogNitive | 15.00 | 6 |
BERNICE | roBotic systEms bRain iNspired aI CognitivE | 15.00 | 6 |
PYRIDINE | adaPtive sYstems bRain InspireD aI cogNitivE | 15.00 | 6 |
VERBIAGE | adaptiVe bEhavioRal Brain Inspired Ai coGnitivE | 15.00 | 6 |
PEERAGE | adaPtive bEhavioral modEls Robotic Ai coGnitivE | 15.00 | 6 |
PREDICT | insPiRED aI CogniTive | 15.00 | 3 |
DEVOTION | aDaptive bEhaVioral mOdels roboTic aI cOgNitive | 15.00 | 6 |
PHOBIC | adaPtive beHavioral mOdels roBotic aI Cognitive | 15.00 | 6 |
AVALON | AdaptiVe behAvioraL cOgNitive | 15.00 | 3 |
DHOTI | aDaptive beHavioral cOgniTIve | 15.00 | 3 |
DIVERGE | aDaptIVe bEhavioRal coGnitivE | 15.00 | 3 |
PIERCE | adaPtIve bEhavioRal CognitivE | 15.00 | 3 |
PIECE | adaPtIve bEhavioral CognitivE | 15.00 | 3 |
PRICE | insPiRed aI CognitivE | 15.00 | 3 |
DIVAN | aDaptIVe Ai cogNitive | 15.00 | 3 |
ADVENT | ADaptiVe bEhavioral cogNiTive | 15.00 | 3 |
ADELE | ADaptive bEhavioraL modEls | 15.00 | 3 |
AARON | Adaptive behAvioRal cOgNitive | 15.00 | 3 |
DAME | aDaptive behAvioral ModEls | 15.00 | 3 |
NAN | iNspired Ai cogNitive | 15.00 | 3 |
SAG | inSpired Ai coGnitive | 15.00 | 3 |
SAGE | inSpired Ai coGnitivE | 15.00 | 3 |
PICO | insPired aI COgnitive | 15.00 | 3 |
PICOT | insPired aI COgniTive | 15.00 | 3 |
DIG | aDaptive aI coGnitive | 15.00 | 3 |
DIGIT | aDaptive aI coGnITive | 15.00 | 3 |
DAN | aDaptive Ai cogNitive | 15.00 | 3 |
DANTE | aDaptive Ai cogNiTivE | 15.00 | 3 |
DANE | aDaptive Ai cogNitivE | 15.00 | 3 |
TAC | adapTive Ai Cognitive | 15.00 | 3 |
TACIT | adapTive Ai CognITive | 15.00 | 3 |
TACO | adapTive Ai COgnitive | 15.00 | 3 |
TACT | adapTive Ai CogniTive | 15.00 | 3 |
ADEN | ADaptive bEhavioral cogNitive | 15.00 | 3 |
APHID | AdaPtive beHavIoral moDels | 15.00 | 3 |
DIAM | aDaptIve behAvioral Models | 15.00 | 3 |
DEAD | aDaptive bEhaviorAl moDels | 15.00 | 3 |
DIVED | aDaptIVe bEhavioral moDels | 15.00 | 3 |
DATED | aDApTive bEhavioral moDels | 15.00 | 3 |
DEED | aDaptivE bEhavioral moDels | 15.00 | 3 |
DEEDS | aDaptivE bEhavioral moDelS | 15.00 | 3 |
DAM | aDaptive behAvioral Models | 15.00 | 3 |
PERM | adaPtive bEhavioRal Models | 15.00 | 3 |
PERMISSION | adaPtive bEhavioRal Models robotIc SystemS aI cOgNitive | 15.43 | 7 |
ARTISAN | Adaptive Robotic sysTems braIn inSpired Ai cogNitive | 15.43 | 7 |
ABOLITION | Adaptive Behavioral mOdeLs robotIc sysTems aI cOgNitive | 15.43 | 7 |
ADVERTISING | ADaptive behaVioral modEls RoboTIc Systems braIn iNspired coGnitive | 15.75 | 8 |
DARIO | aDaptive behAvioRal aI cOgnitive | 15.75 | 4 |
AERATE | Adaptive bEhavioRal Ai cogniTivE | 15.75 | 4 |
THRACE | adapTive beHavioRal Ai CognitivE | 15.75 | 4 |
DEMIT | aDaptive bEhavioral Models cognITive | 15.75 | 4 |
DATELINE | aDApTive bEhavioraL aI cogNitivE | 15.75 | 4 |
PALACE | adaPtive behAvioraL Ai CognitivE | 15.75 | 4 |
BRIC | Brain inspiRed aI Cognitive | 15.75 | 4 |
BRICE | Brain inspiRed aI CognitivE | 15.75 | 4 |
BEACON | Brain inspirEd Ai COgNitive | 15.75 | 4 |
BASIN | BrAin inSpired aI cogNitive | 15.75 | 4 |
ASPIRIN | Adaptive inSPIRed aI cogNitive | 15.75 | 4 |
APPIAN | AdaPtive insPIred Ai cogNitive | 15.75 | 4 |
DEBATE | aDaptivE Behavioral Ai cogniTivE | 15.75 | 4 |
ABILENE | Adaptive BehavIoraL modEls cogNitivE | 15.75 | 4 |
PALMER | adaPtive behAvioraL ModEls Robotic | 15.75 | 4 |
TENSION | adapTive bEhavioral iNSpired aI cOgNitive | 16.20 | 5 |
PENDANT | adaPtive bEhavioral iNspireD Ai cogNiTive | 16.20 | 5 |
TEENAGE | adapTivE bEhavioral iNspired Ai coGnitivE | 16.20 | 5 |
DIVERSE | aDaptIve behaVioral modEls Robotic SystEms | 16.20 | 5 |
SINAI | Systems braIn iNspired Ai cognItive | 16.20 | 5 |
ARRAIGN | Adaptive bRain inspiRed AI coGNitive | 16.20 | 5 |
DORMICE | aDaptive behaviORal Models aI CognitivE | 16.20 | 5 |
DEADLINE | aDaptive bEhaviorAl moDeLs aI cogNitivE | 16.20 | 5 |
DEIRDRE | aDaptive bEhavIoRal moDels Robotic systEms | 16.20 | 5 |
AVERY | Adaptive behaVioral modEls Robotic sYstems | 16.20 | 5 |
DOORS | aDaptive behaviOral mOdels Robotic Systems | 16.20 | 5 |
DIVERS | aDaptIve behaVioral modEls Robotic Systems | 16.20 | 5 |
TERMINATE | adapTive bEhavioRal Models INspired Ai cogniTivE | 16.50 | 6 |
DISSEMINATE | aDaptIve SyStEMs braIn iNspired Ai cogniTivE | 16.50 | 6 |
OBSTINATE | rOBotic SysTems braIn iNspired Ai cogniTivE | 16.50 | 6 |
DOMINANT | aDaptive behaviOral Models INspired Ai cogNiTive | 16.50 | 6 |
ROMANIAN | RobOtic systeMs brAiN Inspired Ai cogNitive | 16.50 | 6 |
PERSIAN | adaPtive bEhavioral bRain inSpIred Ai cogNitive | 16.50 | 6 |
ARABIAN | Adaptive behavioRAl Brain Inspired Ai cogNitive | 16.50 | 6 |
PARISIAN | adaPtive behAvioral bRain InSpIred Ai cogNitive | 16.50 | 6 |
DEADPAN | aDaptive bEhAvioral moDels insPired Ai cogNitive | 16.50 | 6 |
PADRAIG | adaPtive behAvioral moDels Robotic AI coGnitive | 16.50 | 6 |
ATHLETIC | AdapTive beHavioraL modEls roboTic aI Cognitive | 16.50 | 6 |
TASMANIAN | adapTive behAvioral SysteMs brAiN Inspired Ai cogNitive | 16.71 | 7 |
ALMANAC | Adaptive behavioraL Models brAin iNspired Ai Cognitive | 16.71 | 7 |
DEODORANT | aDaptive bEhavioral mODels rObotic inspiRed Ai cogNiTive | 16.71 | 7 |
ATOMISTIC | AdapTive behaviOral Models robotIc SysTems aI Cognitive | 16.71 | 7 |
DEMOLITION | aDaptive bEhavioral MOdeLs robotIc sysTems aI cOgNitive | 16.71 | 7 |
ARMENIAN | Adaptive behavioRal ModEls iNspIred Ai cogNitive | 18.00 | 6 |
PALESTINIAN | adaPtive behAvioraL modEls SysTems braIN Inspired Ai cogNitive | 18.00 | 8 |
DIELECTRIC | aDaptIve bEhavioraL modEls robotiC sysTems bRain Inspired Cognitive | 18.00 | 8 |
DEMOCRAT | aDaptive bEhavioral Models rObotiC inspiRed Ai cogniTive | 18.00 | 7 |
PERSONAGE | adaPtive bEhavioRal modelS rObotic iNspired Ai coGnitivE | 18.00 | 7 |
ARMISTICE | Adaptive behavioRal Models robotIc SysTems aI CognitivE | 18.00 | 7 |
ADHERENCE | ADaptive beHavioral modEls Robotic systEms braiN CognitivE | 18.00 | 7 |
TERRACE | adapTive bEhavioral bRain inspiRed Ai CognitivE | 18.00 | 6 |
DERISIVE | aDaptive bEhavioral bRain InSpired aI cognitiVE | 18.00 | 6 |
PEASANT | adaPtive bEhavioral brAin inSpired Ai cogNiTive | 18.00 | 6 |
EMBRACE | systEMs Brain inspiRed Ai CognitivE | 18.00 | 5 |
EMBRACIVE | systEMs Brain inspiRed Ai CognitIVE | 18.00 | 5 |
ABRASIVE | Adaptive Behavioral bRAin inSpired aI cognitiVE | 18.00 | 6 |
DORIAN | aDaptive behaviOral bRain Inspired Ai cogNitive | 18.00 | 6 |
IRANIAN | adaptIve bRAiN Inspired Ai cogNitive | 18.00 | 5 |
VINDICTIVE | adaptiVe INspireD aI CogniTIVE | 18.00 | 4 |
APHRODITE | AdaPtive beHavioRal mODels aI cogniTivE | 18.00 | 5 |
DISPIRIT | aDaptive InSPIRed aI cogniTive | 18.00 | 4 |
PERMEATE | adaPtive bEhavioRal ModEls Ai cogniTivE | 18.00 | 5 |
DELETION | aDaptive bEhavioraL modEls roboTic aI cOgNitive | 18.00 | 6 |
IAMBIC | adaptIve behAvioral Models roBotic aI Cognitive | 18.00 | 6 |
DEMETER | aDaptive bEhavioral ModEls roboTic systEms bRain | 18.00 | 6 |
STRIAE | SysTems bRain Inspired Ai cognitivE | 18.00 | 5 |
SEISIN | SystEms braIn inSpired aI cogNitive | 18.00 | 5 |
TIRANE | adapTive InspiRed Ai cogNitivE | 18.00 | 4 |
MANIC | systeMs brAin iNspired aI Cognitive | 18.00 | 5 |
ARRANT | Adaptive bRain inspiRed Ai cogNiTive | 18.00 | 5 |
AERIE | Adaptive bEhavioRal cognItivE | 18.00 | 3 |
PEDANT | adaPtive bEhavioral moDels Ai cogNiTive | 18.00 | 5 |
TENANT | adapTive bEhavioral iNspired Ai cogNiTive | 18.00 | 5 |
THRICE | adapTive beHavioRal aI CognitivE | 18.00 | 4 |
VENICE | adaptiVe bEhavioral iNspired aI CognitivE | 18.00 | 5 |
TERMINI | adapTive bEhavioRal Models aI cogNitIve | 18.00 | 5 |
AVERT | Adaptive behaVioral modEls RoboTic | 18.00 | 4 |
ARMCO | Adaptive behavioRal Models COgnitive | 18.00 | 4 |
AILERON | Adaptive behavIoraL modEls Robotic cOgNitive | 18.00 | 5 |
ADHERE | ADaptive beHavioral modEls Robotic systEms | 18.00 | 5 |
ADVERT | ADaptive behaVioral modEls RoboTic | 18.00 | 4 |
DAVIDSON | aDaptive behAVIoral moDelS cOgNitive | 18.00 | 4 |
DIDEROT | aDaptive behavIoral moDEls Robotic cOgniTive | 18.00 | 5 |
DIALECT | aDaptIve behAvioraL modEls CogniTive | 18.00 | 4 |
DEERE | aDaptive bEhavioral modEls Robotic systEms | 18.00 | 5 |
THOMSON | adapTive beHaviOral ModelS cOgNitive | 18.00 | 4 |
ATHLETICS | AdapTive beHavioraL modEls roboTIC Systems | 18.00 | 5 |
PARERS | adaPtive behAvioRal modEls Robotic Systems | 18.00 | 5 |
PAMBY | adaPtive behAvioral Models roBotic sYstems | 18.00 | 5 |
BRAG | Brain inspiRed Ai coGnitive | 18.00 | 4 |
BRIO | Brain inspiRed aI cOgnitive | 18.00 | 4 |
BANDIT | BrAin iNspireD aI cogniTive | 18.00 | 4 |
REACT | bRain inspirEd Ai CogniTive | 18.00 | 4 |
REACTIVE | bRain inspirEd Ai CogniTIVE | 18.00 | 4 |
REDACT | bRain inspirED Ai CogniTive | 18.00 | 4 |
ASPIRATE | Adaptive inSPIRed Ai cogniTivE | 18.00 | 4 |
IRATE | InspiRed Ai cogniTivE | 18.00 | 3 |
DEBIT | aDaptivE Behavioral aI cogniTive | 18.00 | 4 |
DIVINE | aDaptIVe aI cogNitivE | 18.00 | 3 |
PAIGE | insPired AI coGnitivE | 18.00 | 3 |
PHAGE | adaPtive beHavioral Ai coGnitivE | 18.00 | 4 |
ABET | Adaptive Behavioral modEls roboTic | 18.00 | 4 |
DEADEN | aDaptive bEhaviorAl moDEls cogNitive | 18.00 | 4 |
DADO | aDaptive behAvioral moDels cOgnitive | 18.00 | 4 |
PION | insPired aI cOgNitive | 18.00 | 3 |
PEON | adaPtive bEhavioral cOgNitive | 18.00 | 3 |
ADVERB | ADaptive behaVioral modEls RoBotic | 18.00 | 4 |
PEELER | adaPtivE bEhavioraL modEls Robotic | 18.00 | 4 |
PEARLER | adaPtive bEhAvioRaL modEls Robotic | 18.00 | 4 |
PEER | adaPtive bEhavioral modEls Robotic | 18.00 | 4 |
TIBER | adapTIve Behavioral modEls Robotic | 18.00 | 4 |
THOR | adapTive beHavioral mOdels Robotic | 18.00 | 4 |
NAIVE | iNspired Ai cognItiVE | 18.00 | 3 |
NINE | iNspired aI cogNitivE | 18.00 | 3 |
SAN | inSpired Ai cogNitive | 18.00 | 3 |
SANE | inSpired Ai cogNitivE | 18.00 | 3 |
SAINT | inSpired AI cogNiTive | 18.00 | 3 |
SPAN | inSPired Ai cogNitive | 18.00 | 3 |
SPAIN | inSPired AI cogNitive | 18.00 | 3 |
SPRIG | inSPiRed aI coGnitive | 18.00 | 3 |
SPRAIN | inSPiRed AI cogNitive | 18.00 | 3 |
SEAN | inSpirEd Ai cogNitive | 18.00 | 3 |
SEDAN | inSpirED Ai cogNitive | 18.00 | 3 |
SIGN | inSpired aI coGNitive | 18.00 | 3 |
PAGE | insPired Ai coGnitivE | 18.00 | 3 |
RACE | inspiRed Ai CognitivE | 18.00 | 3 |
DIN | aDaptive aI cogNitive | 18.00 | 3 |
DINT | aDaptive aI cogNiTive | 18.00 | 3 |
DINE | aDaptive aI cogNitivE | 18.00 | 3 |
TAO | adapTive Ai cOgnitive | 18.00 | 3 |
TIC | adapTive aI Cognitive | 18.00 | 3 |
DEN | aDaptive bEhavioral cogNitive | 18.00 | 3 |
DENT | aDaptive bEhavioral cogNiTive | 18.00 | 3 |
AIM | Adaptive behavIoral Models | 18.00 | 3 |
ABS | Adaptive Behavioral modelS | 18.00 | 3 |
AVAIL | AdaptiVe behAvIoraL | 18.00 | 2 |
DAHL | aDAptive beHavioraL | 18.00 | 2 |
PIEBALD | adaPtIvE BehaviorAL moDels | 18.00 | 3 |
TERM | adapTive bEhavioRal Models | 18.00 | 3 |
TEAM | adapTive bEhaviorAl Models | 18.00 | 3 |
TEEM | adapTivE bEhavioral Models | 18.00 | 3 |
ANT | Ai cogNiTive | 18.00 | 2 |
ANTI | Ai cogNiTIve | 18.00 | 2 |
ANTE | Ai cogNiTivE | 18.00 | 2 |
IGNITE | aI coGNITivE | 18.00 | 2 |
ADAIR | ADaptive behAvIoRal | 18.00 | 2 |
APIA | AdaPtIve behAvioral | 18.00 | 2 |
ACTINIC | Adaptive robotiC sysTems braIn iNspired aI Cognitive | 19.29 | 7 |
ABSTRACT | Adaptive Behavioral modelS roboTic inspiRed Ai CogniTive | 19.29 | 7 |
DISSIPATE | aDaptIve SyStems braIn insPired Ai cogniTivE | 19.50 | 6 |
DOMINATIVE | aDaptive behaviOral Models INspired Ai cogniTIVE | 19.50 | 6 |
DOMINATE | aDaptive behaviOral Models INspired Ai cogniTivE | 19.50 | 6 |
ADHERENT | ADaptive beHavioral modEls Robotic systEms cogNiTive | 19.50 | 6 |
PENNANT | adaPtive bEhavioral braiN iNspired Ai cogNiTive | 19.50 | 6 |
VERSION | adaptiVe bEhavioral bRain inSpired aI cOgNitive | 19.50 | 6 |
ALBANIAN | Adaptive behavioraL BrAiN Inspired Ai cogNitive | 19.50 | 6 |
DEASSIGN | aDaptive bEhAvioral modelS inSpired aI coGNitive | 19.50 | 6 |
ABSTAIN | Adaptive Behavioral modelS roboTic AI cogNitive | 19.50 | 6 |
ABDICATE | Adaptive Behavioral moDels robotIC Ai cogniTivE | 19.50 | 6 |
DOMESTIC | aDaptive behaviOral ModElS roboTic aI Cognitive | 19.50 | 6 |
TENPIN | adapTive bEhavioral iNsPired aI cogNitive | 19.80 | 5 |
VERDICT | adaptiVe bEhavioRal moDels aI CogniTive | 19.80 | 5 |
TANNIN | sysTems brAiN iNspired aI cogNitive | 19.80 | 5 |
DESPITE | aDaptive bEhavioral inSPired aI cogniTivE | 19.80 | 5 |
ATHEIST | AdapTive beHavioral modEls robotIc SysTems | 19.80 | 5 |
ALMOST | Adaptive behavioraL Models rObotic SysTems | 19.80 | 5 |
SARAN | Systems brAin inspiRed Ai cogNitive | 19.80 | 5 |
YARDAGE | sYstems brAin inspiReD Ai coGnitivE | 19.80 | 5 |
MANSION | systeMs brAin iNSpired aI cOgNitive | 19.80 | 5 |
MANAGE | systeMs brAin iNspired Ai coGnitivE | 19.80 | 5 |
DOMAIN | aDaptive behaviOral Models AI cogNitive | 19.80 | 5 |
DORMANT | aDaptive behaviORal Models Ai cogNiTive | 19.80 | 5 |
PERMIT | adaPtive bEhavioRal Models aI cogniTive | 19.80 | 5 |
THIAMINE | adapTive beHavIorAl Models aI cogNitivE | 19.80 | 5 |
THORN | adapTive beHavioral mOdels Robotic cogNitive | 19.80 | 5 |
THERON | adapTive beHavioral modEls Robotic cOgNitive | 19.80 | 5 |
ATHEISM | AdapTive beHavioral modEls robotIc SysteMs | 19.80 | 5 |
TERMISM | adapTive bEhavioRal Models robotIc SysteMs | 19.80 | 5 |
PARTISAN | adaPtive behAvioral Robotic sysTems braIn inSpired Ai cogNitive | 20.25 | 8 |
PIRATE | adaPtive InspiRed Ai cogniTivE | 20.25 | 4 |
VISAGE | adaptiVe InSpired Ai coGnitivE | 20.25 | 4 |
VISION | adaptiVe InSpired aI cOgNitive | 20.25 | 4 |
TEHRAN | adapTive bEHavioRal Ai cogNitive | 20.25 | 4 |
PAVILION | adaPtive behAVIoraL aI cOgNitive | 20.25 | 4 |
DIVERT | aDaptIve behaVioral modEls RoboTic | 20.25 | 4 |
VERMONT | adaptiVe bEhavioRal Models cOgNiTive | 20.25 | 4 |
BRAN | Brain inspiRed Ai cogNitive | 20.25 | 4 |
BRANT | Brain inspiRed Ai cogNiTive | 20.25 | 4 |
BRAIN | Brain inspiRed AI cogNitive | 20.25 | 4 |
BRIG | Brain inspiRed aI coGnitive | 20.25 | 4 |
RAPINE | bRAin insPired aI cogNitivE | 20.25 | 4 |
ADDICT | ADaptive inspireD aI CogniTive | 20.25 | 4 |
DRAG | aDaptive inspiRed Ai coGnitive | 20.25 | 4 |
ENACT | adaptivE iNspired Ai CogniTive | 20.25 | 4 |
PAOLO | adaPtive behAvioral mOdeLs cOgnitive | 20.25 | 4 |
PELMET | adaPtive bEhavioraL ModEls roboTic | 20.25 | 4 |
DOOR | aDaptive behaviOral mOdels Robotic | 20.25 | 4 |
TAILOR | adapTive behAvIoraL mOdels Robotic | 20.25 | 4 |
VALERIAN | adaptiVe behAvioraL modEls Robotic Inspired Ai cogNitive | 20.57 | 7 |
APOLLONIAN | AdaPtive behaviOraL modeLs rObotic iNspIred Ai cogNitive | 20.57 | 7 |
OBEISANT | mOdels roBotic systEms braIn inSpired Ai cogNiTive | 20.57 | 7 |
PHEASANT | adaPtive beHavioral modEls brAin inSpired Ai cogNiTive | 20.57 | 7 |
DEADBEAT | aDaptive bEhaviorAl moDels Brain inspirEd Ai cogniTive | 20.57 | 7 |
PARSONAGE | adaPtive behAvioRal modelS rObotic iNspired Ai coGnitivE | 20.57 | 7 |
DERELICTION | aDaptive bEhavioRal modELs robotIC sysTems aI cOgNitive | 20.57 | 7 |
ADVERTISED | ADaptive behaVioral modEls Robotic sysTems braIn inSpirED | 20.57 | 7 |
PRESBYTERIAN | adaPtive behavioRal modElS roBotic sYsTEms bRain Inspired Ai cogNitive | 21.00 | 9 |
PERMISSIVE | adaPtive bEhavioRal Models robotIc SyStems cognItiVE | 21.00 | 6 |
RENNIN | Robotic systEms braiN iNspired aI cogNitive | 21.00 | 6 |
PENNINE | adaPtive bEhavioral braiN iNspired aI cogNitivE | 21.00 | 6 |
TERRAPIN | adapTive bEhavioRal bRAin insPired aI cogNitive | 21.00 | 6 |
VARIAN | adaptiVe behAvioral bRain Inspired Ai cogNitive | 21.00 | 6 |
VARIANT | adaptiVe behAvioral bRain Inspired Ai cogNiTive | 21.00 | 6 |
PARAMEDIC | adaPtive behAvioRAl Models inspirED aI Cognitive | 21.00 | 6 |
PROSAIC | adaPtive behavioRal mOdels inSpired AI Cognitive | 21.00 | 6 |
TOMBSTONE | adapTive behaviOral Models roBotic SysTems cOgNitivE | 21.00 | 6 |
DIAMETER | aDaptIve behAvioral ModEls roboTic systEms bRain | 21.00 | 6 |
INDITE | INspireD aI cogniTivE | 21.00 | 3 |
DERIVE | aDaptive bEhavioRal cognItiVE | 21.00 | 3 |
NEAT | iNspirEd Ai cogniTive | 21.00 | 3 |
PRIG | insPiRed aI coGnitive | 21.00 | 3 |
PAIN | insPired AI cogNitive | 21.00 | 3 |
PAINE | insPired AI cogNitivE | 21.00 | 3 |
PAINT | insPired AI cogNiTive | 21.00 | 3 |
DIME | aDaptive behavIoral ModEls | 21.00 | 3 |
DADE | aDaptive behAvioral moDEls | 21.00 | 3 |
DELI | aDaptive bEhavioraL cognItive | 21.00 | 3 |
PHONE | adaPtive beHavioral cOgNitivE | 21.00 | 3 |
NATIVE | iNspired Ai cogniTIVE | 21.00 | 3 |
SPRINT | inSPiRed aI cogNiTive | 21.00 | 3 |
SPIN | inSPired aI cogNitive | 21.00 | 3 |
SPINE | inSPired aI cogNitivE | 21.00 | 3 |
SEINE | inSpirEd aI cogNitivE | 21.00 | 3 |
SIN | inSpired aI cogNitive | 21.00 | 3 |
SINE | inSpired aI cogNitivE | 21.00 | 3 |
PAN | insPired Ai cogNitive | 21.00 | 3 |
PANT | insPired Ai cogNiTive | 21.00 | 3 |
PANE | insPired Ai cogNitivE | 21.00 | 3 |
PIG | insPired aI coGnitive | 21.00 | 3 |
RICO | inspiRed aI COgnitive | 21.00 | 3 |
RICE | inspiRed aI CognitivE | 21.00 | 3 |
TAG | adapTive Ai coGnitive | 21.00 | 3 |
DEBT | aDaptivE Behavioral cogniTive | 21.00 | 3 |
DAPHNE | aDAPtive beHavioral cogNitivE | 21.00 | 3 |
PEG | adaPtive bEhavioral coGnitive | 21.00 | 3 |
ATOM | AdapTive behaviOral Models | 21.00 | 3 |
ATES | AdapTive bEhavioral modelS | 21.00 | 3 |
AVID | Adaptive behaVIoral moDels | 21.00 | 3 |
AVES | AdaptiVe bEhavioral modelS | 21.00 | 3 |
DIM | aDaptive behavIoral Models | 21.00 | 3 |
DELL | aDaptive bEhavioraL modeLs | 21.00 | 3 |
DEALS | aDaptive bEhaviorAl modeLS | 21.00 | 3 |
DIBS | aDaptIve Behavioral modelS | 21.00 | 3 |
DAVID | aDaptive behAVIoral moDels | 21.00 | 3 |
DAD | aDaptive behAvioral moDels | 21.00 | 3 |
PAM | adaPtive behAvioral Models | 21.00 | 3 |
PALM | adaPtive behAvioraL Models | 21.00 | 3 |
THOM | adapTive beHaviOral Models | 21.00 | 3 |
THAMES | adapTive beHaviorAl ModElS | 21.00 | 3 |
ARARAT | Adaptive bRAin inspiRed Ai cogniTive | 21.60 | 5 |
TRANSIT | sysTems bRAin iNSpired aI cogniTive | 21.60 | 5 |
TRANSITIVE | sysTems bRAin iNSpired aI cogniTIVE | 21.60 | 5 |
AIRDRIE | Adaptive behavIoRal moDels Robotic cognItivE | 21.60 | 5 |
PALMIST | adaPtive behAvioraL Models robotIc SysTems | 21.60 | 5 |
TERMITE | adapTive bEhavioRal Models aI cogniTivE | 21.60 | 5 |
SARDINE | Systems brAin inspiReD aI cogNitivE | 21.60 | 5 |
SENSATE | SystEms braiN inSpired Ai cogniTivE | 21.60 | 5 |
SERRATE | SystEms bRain inspiRed Ai cogniTivE | 21.60 | 5 |
SYBARITE | SYstems BrAin inspiRed aI cogniTivE | 21.60 | 5 |
MINION | systeMs braIn iNspired aI cOgNitive | 21.60 | 5 |
ALSACE | Adaptive behavioraL inSpired Ai CognitivE | 21.60 | 5 |
ALNICO | Adaptive behavioraL iNspired aI COgnitive | 21.60 | 5 |
DOSAGE | aDaptive behaviOral inSpired Ai coGnitivE | 21.60 | 5 |
PALMATE | adaPtive behAvioraL Models Ai cogniTivE | 21.60 | 5 |
PROACTIVE | adaPtive behavioRal mOdels Ai CogniTIVE | 21.60 | 5 |
VERMIN | adaptiVe bEhavioRal Models aI cogNitive | 21.60 | 5 |
PHOTO | adaPtive beHavioral mOdels roboTic cOgnitive | 21.60 | 5 |
PHOTON | adaPtive beHavioral mOdels roboTic cOgNitive | 21.60 | 5 |
PILERS | adaPtive behavIoraL modEls Robotic Systems | 21.60 | 5 |
THOMISM | adapTive beHaviOral Models robotIc SysteMs | 21.60 | 5 |
IVORY | adaptIve behaVioral mOdels Robotic sYstems | 21.60 | 5 |
DIETICIAN | aDaptive behavIoral modEls roboTIC Inspired Ai cogNitive | 21.86 | 7 |
PERDITION | adaPtive bEhavioRal moDels robotIc sysTems aI cOgNitive | 21.86 | 7 |
DIAERESIS | aDaptIve behAvioral modEls Robotic systEmS braIn inSpired | 21.86 | 7 |
DOORYARD | aDaptive behaviOral mOdels Robotic sYstems brAin inspiReD | 21.86 | 7 |
ALTERNATIVE | Adaptive modeLs roboTic systEms bRain iNspired Ai cogniTIVE | 22.50 | 8 |
ALTERNATE | Adaptive modeLs roboTic systEms bRain iNspired Ai cogniTivE | 22.50 | 8 |
DIETITIAN | aDaptive behavIoral modEls roboTIc sysTems Inspired Ai cogNitive | 22.50 | 8 |
DIRECTIVE | aDaptive behavIoRal modEls CogniTIVE | 22.50 | 4 |
BEANIE | Brain inspirEd Ai cogNItivE | 22.50 | 4 |
TERRAIN | adapTive bEhavioral bRain inspiRed AI cogNitive | 22.50 | 6 |
DIVISIVE | aDaptIVe InSpired aI cognitiVE | 22.50 | 4 |
ADHESIVE | ADaptive beHavioral modElS cognItiVE | 22.50 | 4 |
THESPIAN | adapTive beHavioral modEls inSPIred Ai cogNitive | 22.50 | 6 |
TIMESPAN | adapTive behavIoral ModEls inSPired Ai cogNitive | 22.50 | 6 |
DEDICATE | aDaptive bEhavioral moDels robotIC Ai cogniTivE | 22.50 | 6 |
DEDICATIVE | aDaptive bEhavioral moDels robotIC Ai cogniTIVE | 22.50 | 6 |
TIBETAN | adapTIve Behavioral modEls roboTic Ai cogNitive | 22.50 | 6 |
PALMETTO | adaPtive behAvioraL ModEls roboTic sysTems cOgnitive | 22.50 | 6 |
PHEROMONE | adaPtive beHavioral modEls RObotic systeMs cOgNitivE | 22.50 | 6 |
THEREON | adapTive beHavioral modEls Robotic systEms cOgNitive | 22.50 | 6 |
DELETER | aDaptive bEhavioraL modEls roboTic systEms bRain | 22.50 | 6 |
TEAMSTER | adapTive bEhAvioral ModelS roboTic systEms bRain | 22.50 | 6 |
ENRICO | adaptivE iNspiRed aI COgnitive | 22.50 | 4 |
PIPIT | adaPtive InsPired aI cogniTive | 22.50 | 4 |
INNATE | braIN iNspired Ai cogniTivE | 22.50 | 4 |
AIRLINE | Adaptive behavIoRaL aI cogNitivE | 22.50 | 4 |
DIRECT | aDaptive behavIoRal modEls CogniTive | 22.50 | 4 |
PARDON | adaPtive behAvioRal moDels cOgNitive | 22.50 | 4 |
BRINE | Brain inspiRed aI cogNitivE | 22.50 | 4 |
BEAN | Brain inspirEd Ai cogNitive | 22.50 | 4 |
BEIGE | Brain inspirEd aI coGnitivE | 22.50 | 4 |
BIRDIE | Brain InspiReD aI cognitivE | 22.50 | 4 |
DRAIN | aDaptive inspiRed AI cogNitive | 22.50 | 4 |
PEAT | adaPtive bEhavioral Ai cogniTive | 22.50 | 4 |
TRACI | adapTive inspiRed Ai CognitIve | 22.50 | 4 |
TRACIE | adapTive inspiRed Ai CognitIvE | 22.50 | 4 |
TRACT | adapTive inspiRed Ai CogniTive | 22.50 | 4 |
TRACTIVE | adapTive inspiRed Ai CogniTIVE | 22.50 | 4 |
TRACE | adapTive inspiRed Ai CognitivE | 22.50 | 4 |
AVIV | AdaptiVe cognItiVe | 22.50 | 2 |
THAN | adapTive beHavioral Ai cogNitive | 22.50 | 4 |
THANE | adapTive beHavioral Ai cogNitivE | 22.50 | 4 |
DIDO | aDaptive behavIoral moDels cOgnitive | 22.50 | 4 |
PIVOT | adaPtIVe cOgniTive | 22.50 | 2 |
PALER | adaPtive behAvioraL modEls Robotic | 22.50 | 4 |
PAVER | adaPtive behAVioral modEls Robotic | 22.50 | 4 |
PARER | adaPtive behAvioRal modEls Robotic | 22.50 | 4 |
THROB | adapTive beHavioRal mOdels roBotic | 22.50 | 4 |
PIE | adaPtIve bEhavioral | 22.50 | 2 |
POT | adaPtive cOgniTive | 22.50 | 2 |
PONE | adaPtive cOgNitivE | 22.50 | 2 |
PEE | adaPtivE bEhavioral | 22.50 | 2 |
DIAL | aDaptIve behAvioraL | 22.50 | 2 |
PEAL | adaPtive bEhAvioraL | 22.50 | 2 |
PEARL | adaPtive bEhAvioRaL | 22.50 | 2 |
PEEL | adaPtivE bEhavioraL | 22.50 | 2 |
DIVA | aDaptIVe behAvioral | 22.50 | 2 |
DATA | aDApTive behAvioral | 22.50 | 2 |
PEA | adaPtive bEhAvioral | 22.50 | 2 |
PEAR | adaPtive bEhAvioRal | 22.50 | 2 |
PER | adaPtive bEhavioRal | 22.50 | 2 |
TIBIA | adapTIve BehavIorAl | 22.50 | 2 |
MISTREAT | Models robotIc SysTems bRain inspirEd Ai cogniTive | 23.14 | 7 |
THEREIN | adapTive beHavioral modEls Robotic systEms aI cogNitive | 23.14 | 7 |
DIALECTIC | aDaptIve behAvioraL modEls robotiC sysTems aI Cognitive | 23.14 | 7 |
VERDANT | adaptiVe bEhavioRal moDels Ai cogNiTive | 23.40 | 5 |
EMANATE | systEMs brAin iNspired Ai cogniTivE | 23.40 | 5 |
PINNATE | adaPtive braIN iNspired Ai cogniTivE | 23.40 | 5 |
TIBIAE | adapTIve Brain Inspired Ai cognitivE | 23.40 | 5 |
VALIANT | adaptiVe behAvioraL Inspired Ai cogNiTive | 23.40 | 5 |
DESIST | aDaptive bEhavioral modelS robotIc SysTems | 23.40 | 5 |
SENSITIVE | SystEms braiN inSpired aI cogniTIVE | 23.40 | 5 |
SYNDIC | SYstems braiN inspireD aI Cognitive | 23.40 | 5 |
PAEAN | adaPtive behAvioral modEls Ai cogNitive | 23.40 | 5 |
DEPRAVE | aDaptive bEhavioral insPiRed Ai cognitiVE | 23.40 | 5 |
TONIC | adapTive behaviOral iNspired aI Cognitive | 23.40 | 5 |
PTOMAINE | adaPTive behaviOral Models AI cogNitivE | 23.40 | 5 |
THROAT | adapTive beHavioRal mOdels Ai cogniTive | 23.40 | 5 |
PHOEBE | adaPtive beHavioral mOdEls roBotic systEms | 23.40 | 5 |
PADRE | adaPtive behAvioral moDels Robotic systEms | 23.40 | 5 |
DOLORES | aDaptive behaviOraL mOdels Robotic systEmS | 23.40 | 5 |
TEAROOM | adapTive bEhAvioRal mOdels rObotic systeMs | 23.40 | 5 |
VERTEBRATE | behaVioral modEls Robotic sysTEms Brain inspiRed Ai cogniTivE | 23.63 | 8 |
ISOCYANATE | behavIoral modelS rObotiC sYstems brAin iNspired Ai cogniTivE | 23.63 | 8 |
ARREARAGE | Adaptive behavioRal Robotic systEms brAin inspiRed Ai coGnitivE | 23.63 | 8 |
TERRINE | adapTive bEhavioral bRain inspiRed aI cogNitivE | 24.00 | 6 |
CYANATE | robotiC sYstems brAin iNspired Ai cogniTivE | 24.00 | 6 |
PARASITE | adaPtive behAvioral bRAin inSpired aI cogniTivE | 24.00 | 6 |
TORSION | adapTive behaviOral bRain inSpired aI cOgNitive | 24.00 | 6 |
VARIATE | adaptiVe behAvioral bRain Inspired Ai cogniTivE | 24.00 | 6 |
ATROPINE | AdapTive behavioRal mOdels insPired aI cogNitivE | 24.00 | 6 |
DRESSAGE | aDaptive behavioRal modElS inSpired Ai coGnitivE | 24.00 | 6 |
PASSAGE | adaPtive behAvioral modelS inSpired Ai coGnitivE | 24.00 | 6 |
PASSION | adaPtive behAvioral modelS inSpired aI cOgNitive | 24.00 | 6 |
PALLIATIVE | adaPtive behAvioraL modeLs Inspired Ai cogniTIVE | 24.00 | 6 |
PALLIATE | adaPtive behAvioraL modeLs Inspired Ai cogniTivE | 24.00 | 6 |
TIMPANI | adapTive behavIoral Models insPired Ai cogNItive | 24.00 | 6 |
DESTINE | aDaptive bEhavioral modelS roboTic aI cogNitivE | 24.00 | 6 |
AERODROME | Adaptive bEhavioRal mODels RObotic systeMs cognitivE | 24.00 | 6 |
PALERMO | adaPtive behAvioraL modEls Robotic systeMs cOgnitive | 24.00 | 6 |
ATELIER | AdapTive bEhavioral modeLs robotIc systEms bRain | 24.00 | 6 |
PERSISTER | adaPtive bEhavioRal modelS robotIc SysTEms bRain | 24.00 | 6 |
PARAMETER | adaPtive behAvioRAl ModEls roboTic systEms bRain | 24.00 | 6 |
THERESA | adapTive beHavioral modEls Robotic systEmS brAin | 24.00 | 6 |
insPiRed aI cogNiTive | 24.00 | 3 | |
EDICT | inspirED aI CogniTive | 24.00 | 3 |
DAVIE | aDaptive behAVIoral modEls | 24.00 | 3 |
DAVIT | aDAptiVe aI cogniTive | 24.00 | 3 |
TAINT | adapTive AI cogNiTive | 24.00 | 3 |
AIDE | Adaptive behavIoral moDEls | 24.00 | 3 |
DEALT | aDaptive bEhAvioraL cogniTive | 24.00 | 3 |
DIODE | aDaptive behavIoral mODEls | 24.00 | 3 |
DIET | aDaptIve bEhavioral cogniTive | 24.00 | 3 |
DOME | aDaptive behaviOral ModEls | 24.00 | 3 |
DIVIDE | aDaptIve behaVIoral moDEls | 24.00 | 3 |
DALE | aDaptive behAvioraL modEls | 24.00 | 3 |
PALO | adaPtive behAvioraL cOgnitive | 24.00 | 3 |
PELE | adaPtive bEhavioraL modEls | 24.00 | 3 |
PEEN | adaPtivE bEhavioral cogNitive | 24.00 | 3 |
PEEVE | adaPtivE bEhaVioral modEls | 24.00 | 3 |
TALC | adapTive behAvioraL Cognitive | 24.00 | 3 |
TAME | adapTive behAvioral ModEls | 24.00 | 3 |
THROE | adapTive beHavioRal cOgnitivE | 24.00 | 3 |
THRONE | adapTive beHavioRal cOgNitivE | 24.00 | 3 |
NIT | iNspired aI cogniTive | 24.00 | 3 |
SAT | inSpired Ai cogniTive | 24.00 | 3 |
SATE | inSpired Ai cogniTivE | 24.00 | 3 |
SPAT | inSPired Ai cogniTive | 24.00 | 3 |
SPATE | inSPired Ai cogniTivE | 24.00 | 3 |
SPRAT | inSPiRed Ai cogniTive | 24.00 | 3 |
SEAT | inSpirEd Ai cogniTive | 24.00 | 3 |
SEDATIVE | inSpirED Ai cogniTIVE | 24.00 | 3 |
SEDATE | inSpirED Ai cogniTivE | 24.00 | 3 |
PIN | insPired aI cogNitive | 24.00 | 3 |
PINT | insPired aI cogNiTive | 24.00 | 3 |
PINE | insPired aI cogNitivE | 24.00 | 3 |
RIO | inspiRed aI cOgnitive | 24.00 | 3 |
RIOT | inspiRed aI cOgniTive | 24.00 | 3 |
RAG | inspiRed Ai coGnitive | 24.00 | 3 |
RAGE | inspiRed Ai coGnitivE | 24.00 | 3 |
TAN | adapTive Ai cogNitive | 24.00 | 3 |
VIC | adaptiVe aI Cognitive | 24.00 | 3 |
VICE | adaptiVe aI CognitivE | 24.00 | 3 |
ATARI | AdapTive behAvioRal cognItive | 24.00 | 3 |
ARC | Adaptive behavioRal Cognitive | 24.00 | 3 |
DARE | aDaptive behAvioRal modEls | 24.00 | 3 |
DARN | aDaptive behAvioRal cogNitive | 24.00 | 3 |
DHIRI | aDaptive beHavIoRal cognItive | 24.00 | 3 |
DOC | aDaptive behaviOral Cognitive | 24.00 | 3 |
PEN | adaPtive bEhavioral cogNitive | 24.00 | 3 |
PENT | adaPtive bEhavioral cogNiTive | 24.00 | 3 |
AID | Adaptive behavIoral moDels | 24.00 | 3 |
ARM | Adaptive behavioRal Models | 24.00 | 3 |
ARMS | Adaptive behavioRal ModelS | 24.00 | 3 |
DOMES | aDaptive behaviOral ModElS | 24.00 | 3 |
DORM | aDaptive behaviORal Models | 24.00 | 3 |
DIES | aDaptIve bEhavioral modelS | 24.00 | 3 |
DIVIDES | aDaptIve behaVIoral moDElS | 24.00 | 3 |
TAM | adapTive behAvioral Models | 24.00 | 3 |
TED | adapTive bEhavioral moDels | 24.00 | 3 |
TIED | adapTIve bEhavioral moDels | 24.00 | 3 |
IBID | adaptIve BehavIoral moDels | 24.00 | 3 |
PHILISTINE | adaPtive beHavIoral modeLs robotIc SysTems aI cogNitivE | 24.43 | 7 |
THEREAT | adapTive beHavioral modEls Robotic systEms Ai cogniTive | 24.43 | 7 |
DEBILITATE | aDaptivE BehavIoral modeLs robotIc sysTems Ai cogniTivE | 24.43 | 7 |
DOORMAT | aDaptive behaviOral mOdels Robotic systeMs Ai cogniTive | 24.43 | 7 |
EVERYMAN | adaptivE behaVioral modEls Robotic sYsteMs Ai cogNitive | 24.43 | 7 |
PERSISTENCE | adaPtive bEhavioRal modelS robotIc SysTEms braiN CognitivE | 24.43 | 7 |
PHLEBITIS | adaPtive beHavioraL modEls roBotIc sysTems braIn inSpired | 24.43 | 7 |
DESCENDANT | aDaptive bEhavioral modelS robotiC systEms iNspireD Ai cogNiTive | 24.75 | 8 |
PALOMINO | adaPtive behAvioral modeLs rObotic systeMs braIn iNspired cOgnitive | 24.75 | 8 |
ENRAGE | adaptivE iNspiRed Ai coGnitivE | 24.75 | 4 |
PALMOLIVE | adaPtive behAvioraL MOdeLs cognItiVE | 24.75 | 4 |
POLICE | adaPtive behaviOraL aI CognitivE | 24.75 | 4 |
ATHLETE | AdapTive beHavioraL modEls cogniTivE | 24.75 | 4 |
DAVISON | aDaptive behAVIoral modelS cOgNitive | 24.75 | 4 |
DODSON | aDaptive behaviOral moDelS cOgNitive | 24.75 | 4 |
DELETE | aDaptive bEhavioraL modEls cogniTivE | 24.75 | 4 |
PEARSON | adaPtive bEhAvioRal modelS cOgNitive | 24.75 | 4 |
PERSON | adaPtive bEhavioRal modelS cOgNitive | 24.75 | 4 |
IAMBI | adaptIve behAvioral Models roBotIc | 24.75 | 4 |
BRAT | Brain inspiRed Ai cogniTive | 24.75 | 4 |
REIGN | bRain inspirEd aI coGNitive | 24.75 | 4 |
RADIO | bRAin inspireD aI cOgnitive | 24.75 | 4 |
TRICE | adapTive inspiRed aI CognitivE | 24.75 | 4 |
TEAT | adapTive bEhavioral Ai cogniTive | 24.75 | 4 |
ALICE | Adaptive behavioraL aI CognitivE | 24.75 | 4 |
THAI | adapTive beHavioral Ai cognItive | 24.75 | 4 |
THIN | adapTive beHavioral aI cogNitive | 24.75 | 4 |
THINE | adapTive beHavioral aI cogNitivE | 24.75 | 4 |
DEVOLVE | aDaptive bEhaVioral mOdeLs cognitiVE | 24.75 | 4 |
DORADO | aDaptive behaviORAl moDels cOgnitive | 24.75 | 4 |
DODO | aDaptive behaviOral moDels cOgnitive | 24.75 | 4 |
DOLMEN | aDaptive behaviOraL ModEls cogNitive | 24.75 | 4 |
DIVALENT | aDaptIVe behAvioraL modEls cogNiTive | 24.75 | 4 |
DARLENE | aDaptive behAvioRaL modEls cogNitivE | 24.75 | 4 |
PESO | adaPtive bEhavioral modelS cOgnitive | 24.75 | 4 |
THEO | adapTive beHavioral modEls cOgnitive | 24.75 | 4 |
POOR | adaPtive behaviOral mOdels Robotic | 24.75 | 4 |
IAMB | adaptIve behAvioral Models roBotic | 24.75 | 4 |
VEER | adaptiVe bEhavioral modEls Robotic | 24.75 | 4 |
PRAIRIE | adaPtive bRAin InspiRed aI cognitivE | 25.20 | 5 |
DOLERITE | aDaptive behaviOraL modEls RobotIc sysTEms | 25.20 | 5 |
TAILSPIN | adapTive behAvIoraL inSPired aI cogNitive | 25.20 | 5 |
PARADISE | adaPtive behAvioRAl moDels robotIc SystEms | 25.20 | 5 |
TAOIST | adapTive behAvioral mOdels robotIc SysTems | 25.20 | 5 |
ENSIGN | systEms braiN inSpired aI coGNitive | 25.20 | 5 |
ERRANT | systEms bRain inspiRed Ai cogNiTive | 25.20 | 5 |
MANDATE | systeMs brAin iNspireD Ai cogniTivE | 25.20 | 5 |
MASAI | systeMs brAin inSpired Ai cognItive | 25.20 | 5 |
DOPANT | aDaptive behaviOral insPired Ai cogNiTive | 25.20 | 5 |
DONATIVE | aDaptive behaviOral iNspired Ai cogniTIVE | 25.20 | 5 |
DONATE | aDaptive behaviOral iNspired Ai cogniTivE | 25.20 | 5 |
DEPRIVE | aDaptive bEhavioral insPiRed aI cognitiVE | 25.20 | 5 |
DALTON | aDaptive behAvioral modeLs roboTic cOgNitive | 25.20 | 5 |
PHAETON | adaPtive beHAvioral modEls roboTic cOgNitive | 25.20 | 5 |
THERE | adapTive beHavioral modEls Robotic systEms | 25.20 | 5 |
TAVERN | adapTive behAVioral modEls Robotic cogNitive | 25.20 | 5 |
TAOISM | adapTive behAvioral mOdels robotIc SysteMs | 25.20 | 5 |
TOMBOY | adapTive behaviOral Models roBOtic sYstems | 25.20 | 5 |
DILAPIDATE | aDaptive behavIoraL brAin insPIreD Ai cogniTivE | 25.50 | 6 |
ROSEMARIE | RobOtic SystEMs brAin inspiRed aI cognitivE | 25.50 | 6 |
ALANINE | Adaptive behavioraL brAin iNspired aI cogNitivE | 25.50 | 6 |
ARMPIT | Adaptive behavioRal Models insPired aI cogniTive | 25.50 | 6 |
ALLSPICE | Adaptive behavioraL modeLs inSPired aI CognitivE | 25.50 | 6 |
PRORATE | adaPtive behavioRal mOdels Robotic Ai cogniTivE | 25.50 | 6 |
TOLERANT | adapTive behaviOraL modEls Robotic Ai cogNiTive | 25.50 | 6 |
TROPIC | adapTive behavioRal mOdels insPired aI Cognitive | 25.50 | 6 |
ADVOCATE | ADaptive behaVioral mOdels robotiC Ai cogniTivE | 25.50 | 6 |
DOMESTICATE | aDaptive behaviOral ModElS roboTIC Ai cogniTivE | 25.50 | 6 |
DELICATE | aDaptive bEhavioral modeLs robotIC Ai cogniTivE | 25.50 | 6 |
DESCANT | aDaptive bEhavioral modelS robotiC Ai cogNiTive | 25.50 | 6 |
DEVASTATE | aDaptive bEhaViorAl modelS roboTic Ai cogniTivE | 25.50 | 6 |
PELICAN | adaPtive bEhavioral modeLs robotIC Ai cogNitive | 25.50 | 6 |
ARMREST | Adaptive behavioRal Models Robotic systEmS cogniTive | 25.50 | 6 |
DAMIEN | aDaptive behAvioral Models robotIc systEms cogNitive | 25.50 | 6 |
TBILISI | adapTive BehavIoral modeLs robotIc Systems braIn | 25.50 | 6 |
EVERYONE | adaptivE behaVioral modEls Robotic sYstems cOgNitivE | 25.50 | 6 |
TIMBER | adapTive behavIoral Models roBotic systEms bRain | 25.50 | 6 |
TRIMARAN | adapTive RobotIc systeMs brAin inspiRed Ai cogNitive | 25.71 | 7 |
DILETTANTE | aDaptive behavIoraL modEls roboTic sysTems Ai cogNiTivE | 25.71 | 7 |
VILLAINAGE | adaptiVe behavIoraL modeLs brAin INspired Ai coGnitivE | 25.71 | 7 |
PERSONAE | adaPtive bEhavioRal modelS rObotic iNspired Ai cognitivE | 25.71 | 7 |
TALISMAN | adapTive behAvioral modeLs robotIc SysteMs Ai cogNitive | 25.71 | 7 |
DIOCESAN | aDaptive behavIoral mOdels robotiC systEms inSpired Ai cogNitive | 25.88 | 8 |
PRESBYTERATE | adaPtive behavioRal modElS roBotic sYsTEms bRain Ai cogniTivE | 25.88 | 8 |
PILOTING | adaPtive behavIoral modeLs rObotic sysTems braIn iNspired coGnitive | 25.88 | 8 |
ASCENSION | Adaptive modelS robotiC systEms braiN inSpired aI cOgNitive | 27.00 | 8 |
VERTEBRAE | behaVioral modEls Robotic sysTEms Brain inspiRed Ai cognitivE | 27.00 | 8 |
ALLOTTING | Adaptive behavioraL modeLs rOboTic sysTems braIn iNspired coGnitive | 27.00 | 8 |
ATTENDANT | AdapTive sysTEms braiN inspireD Ai cogNiTive | 27.00 | 6 |
VALIDATE | adaptiVe behAvioraL InspireD Ai cogniTivE | 27.00 | 5 |
PERSISTENT | adaPtive bEhavioRal modelS robotIc SysTEms cogNiTive | 27.00 | 6 |
PALEOCENE | adaPtive behAvioraL modEls rObotiC systEms cogNitivE | 27.00 | 6 |
BERNIE | roBotic systEms bRain iNspired aI cognitivE | 27.00 | 6 |
BENEDICT | roBotic systEms braiN inspirED aI CogniTive | 27.00 | 6 |
ALARIC | Adaptive behavioraL brAin inspiRed aI Cognitive | 27.00 | 6 |
THREAT | adapTive beHavioRal modEls Ai cogniTive | 27.00 | 5 |
TONNAGE | adapTive behaviOral braiN iNspired Ai coGnitivE | 27.00 | 6 |
EVASION | adaptivE behaVioral brAin inSpired aI cOgNitive | 27.00 | 6 |
PALPATE | adaPtive behAvioraL insPired Ai cogniTivE | 27.00 | 5 |
PROPANE | adaPtive behavioRal mOdels insPired Ai cogNitivE | 27.00 | 6 |
PRESAGE | adaPtive behavioRal modEls inSpired Ai coGnitivE | 27.00 | 6 |
IRENIC | adaptIve behavioRal modEls iNspired aI Cognitive | 27.00 | 6 |
PALESTINE | adaPtive behAvioraL modElS roboTic aI cogNitivE | 27.00 | 6 |
POETIC | adaPtive behaviOral modEls roboTic aI Cognitive | 27.00 | 6 |
PERSIST | adaPtive bEhavioRal modelS robotIc SysTems | 27.00 | 5 |
PLEBISCITE | adaPtive behavioraL modEls roBotIc Systems CognITivE | 27.00 | 6 |
THEIST | adapTive beHavioral modEls robotIc SysTems | 27.00 | 5 |
DODOMA | aDaptive behaviOral moDels rObotic systeMs brAin | 27.00 | 6 |
PRESBYTER | adaPtive behavioRal modElS roBotic sYsTEms bRain | 27.00 | 6 |
PELTER | adaPtive bEhavioral modeLs roboTic systEms bRain | 27.00 | 6 |
TEETER | adapTive bEhavioral modEls roboTic systEms bRain | 27.00 | 6 |
SADAT | Systems brAin inspireD Ai cogniTive | 27.00 | 5 |
MARIO | systeMs brAin inspiRed aI cOgnitive | 27.00 | 5 |
MARION | systeMs brAin inspiRed aI cOgNitive | 27.00 | 5 |
MISPRINT | systeMs braIn inSPiRed aI cogNiTive | 27.00 | 5 |
ANNIE | Adaptive braiN iNspired aI cognitivE | 27.00 | 5 |
ARRIVE | Adaptive bRain inspiRed aI cognitiVE | 27.00 | 5 |
TOPIC | adapTive behaviOral insPired aI Cognitive | 27.00 | 5 |
ILIAC | adaptIve behavioraL Inspired Ai Cognitive | 27.00 | 5 |
ADROIT | ADaptive behavioRal mOdels aI cogniTive | 27.00 | 5 |
DILATE | aDaptive behavIoraL Ai cogniTivE | 27.00 | 4 |
PILLION | adaPtive behavIoraL modeLs aI cOgNitive | 27.00 | 5 |
PILLAGE | adaPtive behavIoraL modeLs Ai coGnitivE | 27.00 | 5 |
PALATE | adaPtive behAvioraL Ai cogniTivE | 27.00 | 4 |
POLIO | adaPtive behaviOraL aI cOgnitive | 27.00 | 4 |
TOMLIN | adapTive behaviOral ModeLs aI cogNitive | 27.00 | 5 |
DILLON | aDaptive behavIoraL modeLs rObotic cogNitive | 27.00 | 5 |
DISCO | aDaptive behavIoral modelS COgnitive | 27.00 | 4 |
PESTO | adaPtive bEhavioral modelS roboTic cOgnitive | 27.00 | 5 |
TALBOT | adapTive behAvioral modeLs roBotic cOgniTive | 27.00 | 5 |
TALON | adapTive behAvioraL mOdels cogNitive | 27.00 | 4 |
ALLOTS | Adaptive behavioraL modeLs rOboTic Systems | 27.00 | 5 |
DOLBY | aDaptive behaviOral modeLs roBotic sYstems | 27.00 | 5 |
PARESIS | adaPtive behAvioRal modElS robotIc Systems | 27.00 | 5 |
PHLOEM | adaPtive beHavioral modeLs rObotic systEMs | 27.00 | 5 |
TESTIS | adapTive bEhavioral modelS roboTIc Systems | 27.00 | 5 |
TALLBOY | adapTive behAvioraL modeLs roBOtic sYstems | 27.00 | 5 |
THESIS | adapTive beHavioral modElS robotIc Systems | 27.00 | 5 |
THEISM | adapTive beHavioral modEls robotIc SysteMs | 27.00 | 5 |
THERM | adapTive beHavioral modEls Robotic systeMs | 27.00 | 5 |
BRIT | Brain inspiRed aI cogniTive | 27.00 | 4 |
BEAT | Brain inspirEd Ai cogniTive | 27.00 | 4 |
REIN | bRain inspirEd aI cogNitive | 27.00 | 4 |
DRAT | aDaptive inspiRed Ai cogniTive | 27.00 | 4 |
PRATE | insPiRed Ai cogniTivE | 27.00 | 3 |
TRIO | adapTive inspiRed aI cOgnitive | 27.00 | 4 |
VEIN | adaptiVe bEhavioral aI cogNitive | 27.00 | 4 |
EPIC | adaptivE insPired aI Cognitive | 27.00 | 4 |
TAIT | adapTive Ai cognITive | 27.00 | 3 |
THAT | adapTive beHavioral Ai cogniTive | 27.00 | 4 |
IVAN | adaptIVe Ai cogNitive | 27.00 | 3 |
APOLLO | AdaPtive behaviOraL modeLs cOgnitive | 27.00 | 4 |
APRON | AdaPtive behavioRal mOdels cogNitive | 27.00 | 4 |
ATHIRST | AdapTive beHavIoRal modelS roboTic | 27.00 | 4 |
DEIST | aDaptive bEhavIoral modelS roboTic | 27.00 | 4 |
DISC | aDaptive behavIoral modelS Cognitive | 27.00 | 4 |
DODGE | aDaptive behaviOral moDels coGnitivE | 27.00 | 4 |
DIVEST | aDaptIVe bEhavioral modelS roboTic | 27.00 | 4 |
PAOLI | adaPtive behAvioral mOdeLs cognItive | 27.00 | 4 |
PARADE | adaPtive behAvioRAl moDEls | 27.00 | 3 |
TAMI | adapTive behAvioral Models cognItive | 27.00 | 4 |
TAROT | adapTive behAvioRal cOgniTive | 27.00 | 3 |
TIBET | adapTIve Behavioral modEls roboTic | 27.00 | 4 |
TEEN | adapTive bEhavioral modEls cogNitive | 27.00 | 4 |
ALDER | Adaptive behavioraL moDEls Robotic | 27.00 | 4 |
TIER | adapTIve bEhavioRal | 27.00 | 2 |
VADER | adaptiVe behAvioral moDEls Robotic | 27.00 | 4 |
NAVE | iNspired Ai cognitiVE | 27.00 | 3 |
SPRITE | inSPiRed aI cogniTivE | 27.00 | 3 |
SPIRIT | inSPIRed aI cogniTive | 27.00 | 3 |
SPIT | inSPired aI cogniTive | 27.00 | 3 |
SPITE | inSPired aI cogniTivE | 27.00 | 3 |
SIT | inSpired aI cogniTive | 27.00 | 3 |
SITE | inSpired aI cogniTivE | 27.00 | 3 |
PAT | insPired Ai cogniTive | 27.00 | 3 |
PATE | insPired Ai cogniTivE | 27.00 | 3 |
RIG | inspiRed aI coGnitive | 27.00 | 3 |
RAN | inspiRed Ai cogNitive | 27.00 | 3 |
RANT | inspiRed Ai cogNiTive | 27.00 | 3 |
RAIN | inspiRed AI cogNitive | 27.00 | 3 |
TIN | adapTive aI cogNitive | 27.00 | 3 |
TINE | adapTive aI cogNitivE | 27.00 | 3 |
TINT | adapTive aI cogNiTive | 27.00 | 3 |
TIE | adapTIve bEhavioral | 27.00 | 2 |
APART | AdaPtive behAvioRal cogniTive | 27.00 | 3 |
DIRGE | aDaptive behavIoRal coGnitivE | 27.00 | 3 |
PHI | adaPtive beHavIoral | 27.00 | 2 |
TERN | adapTive bEhavioRal cogNitive | 27.00 | 3 |
TARO | adapTive behAvioRal cOgnitive | 27.00 | 3 |
TOT | adapTive cOgniTive | 27.00 | 2 |
TOTE | adapTive cOgniTivE | 27.00 | 2 |
TOE | adapTive cOgnitivE | 27.00 | 2 |
TON | adapTive cOgNitive | 27.00 | 2 |
TONE | adapTive cOgNitivE | 27.00 | 2 |
TONI | adapTive cOgNitIve | 27.00 | 2 |
TOG | adapTive cOGnitive | 27.00 | 2 |
TEE | adapTive bEhavioral modEls | 27.00 | 3 |
TEN | adapTive bEhavioral cogNitive | 27.00 | 3 |
TENT | adapTive bEhavioral cogNiTive | 27.00 | 3 |
AIRES | Adaptive behavIoRal modElS | 27.00 | 3 |
AIL | Adaptive behavIoraL | 27.00 | 2 |
DIALS | aDaptIve behAvioral modeLS | 27.00 | 3 |
DID | aDaptive behavIoral moDels | 27.00 | 3 |
DRAM | aDaptive behavioRAl Models | 27.00 | 3 |
PHIAL | adaPtive beHavIorAL | 27.00 | 2 |
PELL | adaPtive bEhavioraL modeLs | 27.00 | 3 |
PAD | adaPtive behAvioral moDels | 27.00 | 3 |
PAID | adaPtive behAvIoral moDels | 27.00 | 3 |
THIRD | adapTive beHavIoRal moDels | 27.00 | 3 |
THAD | adapTive beHaviorAl moDels | 27.00 | 3 |
TEAL | adapTive bEhAvioraL | 27.00 | 2 |
TEES | adapTive bEhavioral modElS | 27.00 | 3 |
ADAPT | ADAPtive cogniTive | 27.00 | 2 |
APT | AdaPtive cogniTive | 27.00 | 2 |
AIR | Adaptive behavIoRal | 27.00 | 2 |
TEA | adapTive bEhAvioral | 27.00 | 2 |
TEAR | adapTive bEhAvioRal | 27.00 | 2 |
PRECIPICE | adaPtive behavioRal modEls robotiC InsPired aI CognitivE | 27.00 | 7 |
DISTRACT | aDaptive behavIoral modelS roboTic inspiRed Ai CogniTive | 27.00 | 7 |
PROSODIC | adaPtive behavioRal mOdelS rObotic inspireD aI Cognitive | 27.00 | 7 |
PROTRACT | adaPtive behavioRal mOdels roboTic inspiRed Ai CogniTive | 27.00 | 7 |
DIRECTION | aDaptive behavIoRal modEls robotiC sysTems aI cOgNitive | 27.00 | 7 |
PARASITIC | adaPtive behAvioRAl modelS robotIc sysTems aI Cognitive | 27.00 | 7 |
ELIMINATE | bEhavioral modeLs robotIc systeMs braIn iNspired Ai cogniTivE | 28.13 | 8 |
PLEBEIAN | adaPtive behavioraL modEls roBotic systEms Inspired Ai cogNitive | 28.13 | 8 |
DISCERNING | aDaptive behavIoral modelS robotiC systEms bRaiN INspired coGnitive | 28.13 | 8 |
DIRECTING | aDaptive behavIoRal modEls robotiC sysTems braIn iNspired coGnitive | 28.13 | 8 |
PRECISION | adaPtive behavioRal modEls robotiC InSpired aI cOgNitive | 28.29 | 7 |
PALLADIO | adaPtive behAvioraL modeLs brAin inspireD aI cOgnitive | 28.29 | 7 |
DISTRICT | aDaptive behavIoral modelS roboTic inspiRed aI CogniTive | 28.29 | 7 |
PASTERN | adaPtive behAvioral modelS roboTic systEms bRain iNspired | 28.29 | 7 |
POLLINATE | adaPtive behaviOraL modeLs INspired Ai cogniTivE | 28.50 | 6 |
IONIAN | adaptIve behaviOral braiN Inspired Ai cogNitive | 28.50 | 6 |
TOLERATE | adapTive behaviOraL modEls Robotic Ai cogniTivE | 28.50 | 6 |
DISTANT | aDaptive behavIoral modelS roboTic Ai cogNiTive | 28.50 | 6 |
DRASTIC | aDaptive behavioRAl modelS roboTic aI Cognitive | 28.50 | 6 |
PROBATE | adaPtive behavioRal mOdels roBotic Ai cogniTivE | 28.50 | 6 |
PROBATIVE | adaPtive behavioRal mOdels roBotic Ai cogniTIVE | 28.50 | 6 |
DIVORCEE | aDaptIve behaVioral mOdels RobotiC systEms cognitivE | 28.50 | 6 |
EVERTON | adaptivE behaVioral modEls Robotic sysTems cOgNitive | 28.50 | 6 |
ALLOTTER | Adaptive behavioraL modeLs rOboTic sysTEms bRain | 28.50 | 6 |
PROBER | adaPtive behavioRal mOdels roBotic systEms bRain | 28.50 | 6 |
PESTER | adaPtive bEhavioral modelS roboTic systEms bRain | 28.50 | 6 |
PINNAE | adaPtive braIN iNspired Ai cognitivE | 28.80 | 5 |
ARALDITE | Adaptive behavioRAL moDels aI cogniTivE | 28.80 | 5 |
SENDAI | SystEms braiN inspireD Ai cognItive | 28.80 | 5 |
TREAT | sysTems bRain inspirEd Ai cogniTive | 28.80 | 5 |
ERNIE | systEms bRain iNspired aI cognitivE | 28.80 | 5 |
MIRAGE | systeMs braIn inspiRed Ai coGnitivE | 28.80 | 5 |
PLIANT | adaPtive behavioraL Inspired Ai cogNiTive | 28.80 | 5 |
TILLAGE | adapTive behavIoraL modeLs Ai coGnitivE | 28.80 | 5 |
ALERT | Adaptive behavioraL modEls Robotic sysTems | 28.80 | 5 |
DISROBE | aDaptive behavIoral modelS ROBotic systEms | 28.80 | 5 |
PARSON | adaPtive behAvioRal modelS rObotic cogNitive | 28.80 | 5 |
VOODOO | adaptiVe behaviOral mODels rObotic cOgnitive | 28.80 | 5 |
ALLOY | Adaptive behavioraL modeLs rObotic sYstems | 28.80 | 5 |
PASTS | adaPtive behAvioral modelS roboTic Systems | 28.80 | 5 |
PASTIS | adaPtive behAvioral modelS roboTIc Systems | 28.80 | 5 |
TESTY | adapTive bEhavioral modelS roboTic sYstems | 28.80 | 5 |
THEBES | adapTive beHavioral modEls roBotic systEmS | 28.80 | 5 |
TOOTS | adapTive behaviOral mOdels roboTic Systems | 28.80 | 5 |
TOOTSY | adapTive behaviOral mOdels roboTic SYstems | 28.80 | 5 |
VILLEINAGE | adaptiVe behavIoraL modeLs systEms braIn iNspired Ai coGnitivE | 29.25 | 8 |
PREORDAIN | adaPtive behavioRal modEls rObotic bRain inspireD AI cogNitive | 29.25 | 8 |
PROCESSION | adaPtive behavioRal mOdels robotiC systEmS inSpired aI cOgNitive | 29.25 | 8 |
VISIT | adaptiVe InSpired aI cogniTive | 29.25 | 4 |
BRAVE | Brain inspiRed Ai cognitiVE | 29.25 | 4 |
TRIG | adapTive inspiRed aI coGnitive | 29.25 | 4 |
TRAIN | adapTive inspiRed AI cogNitive | 29.25 | 4 |
ALAN | Adaptive behavioraL Ai cogNitive | 29.25 | 4 |
ALIGN | Adaptive behavioraL aI coGNitive | 29.25 | 4 |
PLAICE | adaPtive behavioraL AI CognitivE | 29.25 | 4 |
PLACE | adaPtive behavioraL Ai CognitivE | 29.25 | 4 |
EVICT | adaptivE behaVioral aI CogniTive | 29.25 | 4 |
AVAST | AdaptiVe behAvioral modelS roboTic | 29.25 | 4 |
ALEC | Adaptive behavioraL modEls Cognitive | 29.25 | 4 |
ARDEN | Adaptive behavioRal moDEls cogNitive | 29.25 | 4 |
ARDENT | Adaptive behavioRal moDEls cogNiTive | 29.25 | 4 |
ATAVIST | AdapTive behAVIoral modelS roboTic | 29.25 | 4 |
DIDST | aDaptive behavIoral moDelS roboTic | 29.25 | 4 |
DRONE | aDaptive behavioRal mOdels cogNitivE | 29.25 | 4 |
PARENT | adaPtive behAvioRal modEls cogNiTive | 29.25 | 4 |
PELT | adaPtive bEhavioral modeLs roboTic | 29.25 | 4 |
THEN | adapTive beHavioral modEls cogNitive | 29.25 | 4 |
ADLER | ADaptive behavioraL modEls Robotic | 29.25 | 4 |
POLER | adaPtive behaviOraL modEls Robotic | 29.25 | 4 |
TOMB | adapTive behaviOral Models roBotic | 29.25 | 4 |
VIDEOTAPE | adaptiVe behavIoral moDEls rObotic sysTems brAin insPirEd | 29.57 | 7 |
PLEASANT | adaPtive behavioraL modEls brAin inSpired Ai cogNiTive | 29.57 | 7 |
PROTEAN | adaPtive behavioRal mOdels roboTic systEms Ai cogNitive | 29.57 | 7 |
DELIMIT | aDaptive bEhavioral modeLs robotIc systeMs aI cogniTive | 29.57 | 7 |
POLITIC | adaPtive behaviOral modeLs robotIc sysTems aI Cognitive | 29.57 | 7 |
POLITICO | adaPtive behaviOral modeLs robotIc sysTems aI COgnitive | 29.57 | 7 |
PALADIN | adaPtive behAvioraL brAin inspireD aI cogNitive | 30.00 | 6 |
TOOTSIE | adapTive behaviOral mOdels roboTic Systems cognItivE | 30.00 | 6 |
VIBRANT | adaptiVe behavIoral Brain inspiRed Ai cogNiTive | 30.00 | 6 |
TIROLEAN | adapTive behavIoRal mOdeLs inspirEd Ai cogNitive | 30.00 | 6 |
EROSION | adaptivE behavioRal mOdels inSpired aI cOgNitive | 30.00 | 6 |
ALLOCATE | Adaptive behavioraL modeLs rObotiC Ai cogniTivE | 30.00 | 6 |
ALLOCATIVE | Adaptive behavioraL modeLs rObotiC Ai cogniTIVE | 30.00 | 6 |
TESTATE | adapTive bEhavioral modelS roboTic Ai cogniTivE | 30.00 | 6 |
VESTIGE | adaptiVe bEhavioral modelS roboTic aI coGnitivE | 30.00 | 6 |
EIDETIC | adaptivE behavIoral moDEls roboTic aI Cognitive | 30.00 | 6 |
ALLISON | Adaptive behavioraL modeLs robotIc Systems cOgNitive | 30.00 | 6 |
DEVOTEE | aDaptive bEhaVioral mOdels roboTic systEms cognitivE | 30.00 | 6 |
PROTECT | adaPtive behavioRal mOdels roboTic systEms CogniTive | 30.00 | 6 |
PROTECTIVE | adaPtive behavioRal mOdels roboTic systEms CogniTIVE | 30.00 | 6 |
IESTYN | adaptIve bEhavioral modelS roboTic sYstems cogNitive | 30.00 | 6 |
TESTER | adapTive bEhavioral modelS roboTic systEms bRain | 30.00 | 6 |
EVILDOER | adaptivE behaVIoraL moDels rObotic systEms bRain | 30.00 | 6 |
PILOT | adaPtive behavIoraL cOgniTive | 30.00 | 3 |
VAIN | adaptiVe AI cogNitive | 30.00 | 3 |
DROVE | aDaptive behavioRal cOgnitiVE | 30.00 | 3 |
DELVE | aDaptive bEhavioraL cognitiVE | 30.00 | 3 |
PALE | adaPtive behAvioraL modEls | 30.00 | 3 |
TIME | adapTive behavIoral ModEls | 30.00 | 3 |
THOLE | adapTive beHaviOraL modEls | 30.00 | 3 |
VERDE | adaptiVe bEhavioRal moDEls | 30.00 | 3 |
SAVE | inSpired Ai cognitiVE | 30.00 | 3 |
PAVE | adaPtive behAVioral modEls | 30.00 | 3 |
PIT | insPired aI cogniTive | 30.00 | 3 |
TAT | adapTive Ai cogniTive | 30.00 | 3 |
TATE | adapTive Ai cogniTivE | 30.00 | 3 |
VAN | adaptiVe Ai cogNitive | 30.00 | 3 |
VANE | adaptiVe Ai cogNitivE | 30.00 | 3 |
ADORE | ADaptive behaviORal modEls | 30.00 | 3 |
ADORN | ADaptive behaviORal cogNitive | 30.00 | 3 |
ALCOVE | Adaptive behavioraL COgnitiVE | 30.00 | 3 |
DART | aDaptive behAvioRal cogniTive | 30.00 | 3 |
DIRE | aDaptive behavIoRal modEls | 30.00 | 3 |
PERT | adaPtive bEhavioRal cogniTive | 30.00 | 3 |
PARE | adaPtive behAvioRal modEls | 30.00 | 3 |
PET | adaPtive bEhavioral cogniTive | 30.00 | 3 |
PETE | adaPtive bEhavioral cogniTivE | 30.00 | 3 |
TERI | adapTive bEhavioRal cognItive | 30.00 | 3 |
THE | adapTive beHavioral modEls | 30.00 | 3 |
VERGE | adaptiVe bEhavioRal coGnitivE | 30.00 | 3 |
ALMS | Adaptive behavioraL ModelS | 30.00 | 3 |
ARDS | Adaptive behavioRal moDelS | 30.00 | 3 |
AVIS | Adaptive behaVIoral modelS | 30.00 | 3 |
DAVIS | aDaptive behAVIoral modelS | 30.00 | 3 |
DAIS | aDaptive behAvIoral modelS | 30.00 | 3 |
PALES | adaPtive behAvioraL modElS | 30.00 | 3 |
PARES | adaPtive behAvioRal modElS | 30.00 | 3 |
TELL | adapTive bEhavioraL modeLs | 30.00 | 3 |
TELLS | adapTive bEhavioraL modeLS | 30.00 | 3 |
TIM | adapTive behavIoral Models | 30.00 | 3 |
TIMES | adapTive behavIoral ModElS | 30.00 | 3 |
VELD | adaptiVe bEhavioraL moDels | 30.00 | 3 |
VOLCANIC | adaptiVe behaviOral modeLs robotiC brAin iNspired aI Cognitive | 30.38 | 8 |
TALIESIN | adapTive behAvioral modeLs robotIc systEms inSpired aI cogNitive | 30.38 | 8 |
VALERIE | adaptiVe behAvioraL modEls Robotic cognItivE | 30.60 | 5 |
PALETTE | adaPtive behAvioraL modEls roboTic sysTEms | 30.60 | 5 |
MARIN | systeMs brAin inspiRed aI cogNitive | 30.60 | 5 |
MARINE | systeMs brAin inspiRed aI cogNitivE | 30.60 | 5 |
ALPINE | Adaptive behavioraL insPired aI cogNitivE | 30.60 | 5 |
ALLAN | Adaptive behavioraL modeLs Ai cogNitive | 30.60 | 5 |
PROLATE | adaPtive behavioRal mOdeLs Ai cogniTivE | 30.60 | 5 |
VIOLIN | adaptiVe behavIoral mOdeLs aI cogNitive | 30.60 | 5 |
ARSON | Adaptive behavioRal modelS rObotic cogNitive | 30.60 | 5 |
PROTON | adaPtive behavioRal mOdels roboTic cOgNitive | 30.60 | 5 |
PASTY | adaPtive behAvioral modelS roboTic sYstems | 30.60 | 5 |
PIETY | adaPtive behavIoral modEls roboTic sYstems | 30.60 | 5 |
POETICS | adaPtive behaviOral modEls roboTIC Systems | 30.60 | 5 |
THIRSTY | adapTive beHavIoRal modelS roboTic sYstems | 30.60 | 5 |
VESTS | adaptiVe bEhavioral modelS roboTic Systems | 30.60 | 5 |
PROTEASE | adaPtive behavioRal mOdels roboTic systEms brAin inSpirEd | 30.86 | 7 |
PROTEIN | adaPtive behavioRal mOdels roboTic systEms aI cogNitive | 30.86 | 7 |
DOLOMITE | aDaptive behaviOral modeLs rObotic systeMs aI cogniTivE | 30.86 | 7 |
TRADITION | adapTive behavioRAl moDels robotIc sysTems aI cOgNitive | 30.86 | 7 |
ADOLESCENCE | ADaptive behaviOraL modElS robotiC systEms braiN CognitivE | 30.86 | 7 |
DISCERN | aDaptive behavIoral modelS robotiC systEms bRain iNspired | 30.86 | 7 |
TALBERT | adapTive behAvioral modeLs roBotic systEms bRain cogniTive | 30.86 | 7 |
PROTEAS | adaPtive behavioRal mOdels roboTic systEms brAin inSpired | 30.86 | 7 |
ALLITERATE | Adaptive behavioraL modeLs robotIc sysTEms bRain Ai cogniTivE | 31.50 | 8 |
PRELITERATE | adaPtive behavioRal modELs robotIc sysTEms bRain Ai cogniTivE | 31.50 | 8 |
PRETERITE | adaPtive behavioRal modEls roboTic systEms bRain Inspired cogniTivE | 31.50 | 8 |
BEREAVE | roBotic systEms bRain inspirEd Ai cognitiVE | 31.50 | 6 |
TERRIE | adapTive bEhavioral bRain inspiRed aI cognitivE | 31.50 | 6 |
PREPRINT | adaPtive behavioRal modEls insPiRed aI cogNiTive | 31.50 | 6 |
APOSTATE | AdaPtive behaviOral modelS roboTic Ai cogniTivE | 31.50 | 6 |
PROSTATE | adaPtive behavioRal mOdelS roboTic Ai cogniTivE | 31.50 | 6 |
PROCAINE | adaPtive behavioRal mOdels robotiC AI cogNitivE | 31.50 | 6 |
PRESTIGE | adaPtive behavioRal modElS roboTic aI coGnitivE | 31.50 | 6 |
POSTAGE | adaPtive behaviOral modelS roboTic Ai coGnitivE | 31.50 | 6 |
TOMTIT | adapTive behaviOral Models roboTic aI cogniTive | 31.50 | 6 |
VOLTAIC | adaptiVe behaviOral modeLs roboTic AI Cognitive | 31.50 | 6 |
EROTIC | adaptivE behavioRal mOdels roboTic aI Cognitive | 31.50 | 6 |
PASTER | adaPtive behAvioral modelS roboTic systEms bRain | 31.50 | 6 |
PRECOGNITIVE | adaPtive behavioRal modEls COGNITIVE | 31.50 | 4 |
BRAE | Brain inspiRed Ai cognitivE | 31.50 | 4 |
RADII | bRAin inspireD aI cognItive | 31.50 | 4 |
ADDITIVE | ADaptive inspireD aI cogniTIVE | 31.50 | 4 |
TRAIT | adapTive inspiRed Ai cognITive | 31.50 | 4 |
ERIC | adaptivE inspiRed aI Cognitive | 31.50 | 4 |
POINT | adaPtive behaviOral aI cogNiTive | 31.50 | 4 |
VOICE | adaptiVe behaviOral aI CognitivE | 31.50 | 4 |
ALONE | Adaptive behavioraL mOdels cogNitivE | 31.50 | 4 |
ABASE | Adaptive BehaviorAl modelS cognitivE | 31.50 | 4 |
ARLEN | Adaptive behavioRaL modEls cogNitive | 31.50 | 4 |
ARLENE | Adaptive behavioRaL modEls cogNitivE | 31.50 | 4 |
ATILT | AdapTive behavIoral modeLs roboTic | 31.50 | 4 |
DREG | aDaptive behavioRal modEls coGnitive | 31.50 | 4 |
PHALLI | adaPtive beHAvioraL modeLs cognItive | 31.50 | 4 |
PEST | adaPtive bEhavioral modelS roboTic | 31.50 | 4 |
TALENT | adapTive behAvioraL modEls cogNiTive | 31.50 | 4 |
TORMENT | adapTive behaviORal ModEls cogNiTive | 31.50 | 4 |
VERSO | adaptiVe bEhavioRal modelS cOgnitive | 31.50 | 4 |
VERDI | adaptiVe bEhavioRal moDels cognItive | 31.50 | 4 |
VELDT | adaptiVe bEhavioraL moDels roboTic | 31.50 | 4 |
PAL | adaPtive behAvioraL | 31.50 | 2 |
PAIL | adaPtive behAvIoraL | 31.50 | 2 |
ADAPTOR | ADAPTive behaviORal | 31.50 | 2 |
PAIR | adaPtive behAvIoRal | 31.50 | 2 |
PAR | adaPtive behAvioRal | 31.50 | 2 |
PARA | adaPtive behAvioRAl | 31.50 | 2 |
DISTRAIT | aDaptive behavIoral modelS roboTic inspiRed Ai cognITive | 32.14 | 7 |
POSITION | adaPtive behaviOral modelS robotIc sysTems aI cOgNitive | 32.14 | 7 |
POSITRON | adaPtive behaviOral modelS robotIc sysTems bRain cOgNitive | 32.14 | 7 |
TILTERS | adapTive behavIoral modeLs roboTic systEms bRain inSpired | 32.14 | 7 |
POSITIVE | adaPtive behaviOral inSpired aI cogniTIVE | 32.40 | 5 |
EMIRATE | systEMs braIn inspiRed Ai cogniTivE | 32.40 | 5 |
VIOLIST | adaptiVe behavIoral mOdeLs robotIc SysTems | 32.40 | 5 |
POSIT | adaPtive behaviOral inSpired aI cogniTive | 32.40 | 5 |
IODINE | adaptIve behaviOral moDels aI cogNitivE | 32.40 | 5 |
VIOLATE | adaptiVe behavIoral mOdeLs Ai cogniTivE | 32.40 | 5 |
VILLAGE | adaptiVe behavIoraL modeLs Ai coGnitivE | 32.40 | 5 |
ALLOT | Adaptive behavioraL modeLs rObotic sysTems | 32.40 | 5 |
PROBE | adaPtive behavioRal mOdels roBotic systEms | 32.40 | 5 |
EARLOBE | adaptivE behAvioRaL mOdels roBotic systEms | 32.40 | 5 |
TASTY | adapTive behAvioral modelS roboTic sYstems | 32.40 | 5 |
RECENSION | behavioRal modEls robotiC systEms braiN inSpired aI cOgNitive | 32.63 | 8 |
TOSCANINI | adapTive behaviOral modelS robotiC brAin iNspired aI cogNitIve | 32.63 | 8 |
POSITING | adaPtive behaviOral modelS robotIc sysTems braIn iNspired coGnitive | 32.63 | 8 |
ALBEIT | Adaptive behavioraL Brain inspirEd aI cogniTive | 33.00 | 6 |
VIBRATE | adaptiVe behavIoral Brain inspiRed Ai cogniTivE | 33.00 | 6 |
PASSIVE | adaPtive behAvioral modelS inSpired aI cognitiVE | 33.00 | 6 |
ILMENITE | adaptIve behavioraL ModEls iNspired aI cogniTivE | 33.00 | 6 |
TOMCAT | adapTive behaviOral Models robotiC Ai cogniTive | 33.00 | 6 |
THERESE | adapTive beHavioral modEls Robotic systEmS cognitivE | 33.00 | 6 |
PROTEA | adaPtive behavioRal mOdels roboTic systEms brAin | 33.00 | 6 |
TASTER | adapTive behAvioral modelS roboTic systEms bRain | 33.00 | 6 |
TIDIER | adapTive behavIoral moDels robotIc systEms bRain | 33.00 | 6 |
THRIVE | adapTive beHavioRal cognItiVE | 33.00 | 3 |
ALOE | Adaptive behavioraL cOgnitivE | 33.00 | 3 |
DOLE | aDaptive behaviOraL modEls | 33.00 | 3 |
POLO | adaPtive behaviOraL cOgnitive | 33.00 | 3 |
TALE | adapTive behAvioraL modEls | 33.00 | 3 |
TOME | adapTive behaviOral ModEls | 33.00 | 3 |
RAT | inspiRed Ai cogniTive | 33.00 | 3 |
RATE | inspiRed Ai cogniTivE | 33.00 | 3 |
TIT | adapTive aI cogniTive | 33.00 | 3 |
VINE | adaptiVe aI cogNitivE | 33.00 | 3 |
ARE | Adaptive behavioRal modEls | 33.00 | 3 |
ARNE | Adaptive behavioRal cogNitivE | 33.00 | 3 |
TARE | adapTive behAvioRal modEls | 33.00 | 3 |
TARN | adapTive behAvioRal cogNitive | 33.00 | 3 |
VERN | adaptiVe bEhavioRal cogNitive | 33.00 | 3 |
VERNE | adaptiVe bEhavioRal cogNitivE | 33.00 | 3 |
VENT | adaptiVe bEhavioral cogNiTive | 33.00 | 3 |
ATOLL | AdapTive behaviOraL modeLs | 33.00 | 3 |
ARES | Adaptive behavioRal modElS | 33.00 | 3 |
DOES | aDaptive behaviOral modElS | 33.00 | 3 |
DILL | aDaptive behavIoraL modeLs | 33.00 | 3 |
POOL | adaPtive behaviOral mOdeLs | 33.00 | 3 |
PRAM | adaPtive behavioRAl Models | 33.00 | 3 |
PALL | adaPtive behAvioraL modeLs | 33.00 | 3 |
PALS | adaPtive behAvioral modeLS | 33.00 | 3 |
THRALL | adapTive beHavioRAL modeLs | 33.00 | 3 |
TOM | adapTive behaviOral Models | 33.00 | 3 |
TEAS | adapTive bEhaviorAl modelS | 33.00 | 3 |
TIROL | adapTive behavIoRal mOdeLs | 33.00 | 3 |
TIES | adapTIve bEhavioral modelS | 33.00 | 3 |
IBIS | adaptIve BehavIoral modelS | 33.00 | 3 |
PROSTRATE | adaPtive behavioRal mOdelS roboTic inspiRed Ai cogniTivE | 33.43 | 7 |
PRETENCE | adaPtive behavioRal modEls roboTic systEms braiN CognitivE | 33.43 | 7 |
EASTERN | adaptivE behAvioral modelS roboTic systEms bRain iNspired | 33.43 | 7 |
ASCENDANT | Adaptive modelS robotiC systEms braiN inspireD Ai cogNiTive | 33.75 | 8 |
PROCREATE | adaPtive behavioRal mOdels robotiC bRain inspirEd Ai cogniTivE | 33.75 | 8 |
ELECTRIC | adaptivE behavioraL modEls robotiC sysTems bRain Inspired Cognitive | 33.75 | 8 |
PRALINE | adaPtive behavioRAL aI cogNitivE | 33.75 | 4 |
DRIVE | aDaptive inspiRed aI cognitiVE | 33.75 | 4 |
ALDEN | Adaptive behavioraL moDEls cogNitive | 33.75 | 4 |
DEBASE | aDaptivE BehAvioral modelS cognitivE | 33.75 | 4 |
PRONE | adaPtive behavioRal mOdels cogNitivE | 33.75 | 4 |
TEST | adapTive bEhavioral modelS roboTic | 33.75 | 4 |
VIDEO | adaptiVe behavIoral moDEls cOgnitive | 33.75 | 4 |
VILER | adaptiVe behavIoraL modEls Robotic | 33.75 | 4 |
EVER | adaptivE behaVioral modEls Robotic | 33.75 | 4 |
EIDER | adaptivE behavIoral moDEls Robotic | 33.75 | 4 |
ELISION | adaptivE behavioraL InSpired aI cOgNitive | 34.20 | 5 |
IODISE | adaptIve behaviOral moDels robotIc SystEms | 34.20 | 5 |
VALISE | adaptiVe behAvioral modeLs robotIc SystEms | 34.20 | 5 |
SADIE | Systems brAin inspireD aI cognitivE | 34.20 | 5 |
MINNIE | systeMs braIN iNspired aI cognitivE | 34.20 | 5 |
IODATE | adaptIve behaviOral moDels Ai cogniTivE | 34.20 | 5 |
PRELATE | adaPtive behavioRal modELs Ai cogniTivE | 34.20 | 5 |
VILLAIN | adaptiVe behavIoraL modeLs AI cogNitive | 34.20 | 5 |
VOMIT | adaptiVe behaviOral Models aI cogniTive | 34.20 | 5 |
ERMINE | adaptivE behavioRal Models aI cogNitivE | 34.20 | 5 |
PISTON | adaPtive behavIoral modelS roboTic cOgNitive | 34.20 | 5 |
PRESTO | adaPtive behavioRal modElS roboTic cOgnitive | 34.20 | 5 |
PRESTON | adaPtive behavioRal modElS roboTic cOgNitive | 34.20 | 5 |
ALLIS | Adaptive behavioraL modeLs robotIc Systems | 34.20 | 5 |
DIRECTS | aDaptive behavIoRal modEls robotiC sysTemS | 34.20 | 5 |
POSTS | adaPtive behaviOral modelS roboTic Systems | 34.20 | 5 |
TESTES | adapTive bEhavioral modelS roboTic systEmS | 34.20 | 5 |
EARLDOM | adaptivE behAvioRaL moDels rObotic systeMs | 34.20 | 5 |
ADOLESCENT | ADaptive behaviOraL modElS robotiC systEms cogNiTive | 34.50 | 6 |
ALLSTATE | Adaptive behavioraL modeLS roboTic Ai cogniTivE | 34.50 | 6 |
VOLTAGE | adaptiVe behaviOral modeLs roboTic Ai coGnitivE | 34.50 | 6 |
POLLSTER | adaPtive behaviOraL modeLS roboTic systEms bRain | 34.50 | 6 |
POLITER | adaPtive behaviOral modeLs robotIc sysTEms bRain | 34.50 | 6 |
PIECER | adaPtive behavIoral modEls robotiC systEms bRain | 34.50 | 6 |
POSTMAN | adaPtive behaviOral modelS roboTic systeMs Ai cogNitive | 34.71 | 7 |
VOLITION | adaptiVe behaviOral modeLs robotIc sysTems aI cOgNitive | 34.71 | 7 |
VISITANT | adaptiVe behavIoral modelS robotIc sysTems Ai cogNiTive | 36.00 | 7 |
EASTMAN | adaptivE behAvioral modelS roboTic systeMs Ai cogNitive | 36.00 | 7 |
VILLIERS | adaptiVe behavIoraL modeLs robotIc systEms bRain inSpired | 36.00 | 7 |
EVASIVE | adaptivE behaVioral brAin inSpired aI cognitiVE | 36.00 | 6 |
PLOSIVE | adaPtive behavioraL mOdels inSpired aI cognitiVE | 36.00 | 6 |
POLECAT | adaPtive behaviOraL modEls robotiC Ai cogniTive | 36.00 | 6 |
ILLICIT | adaptIve behavioraL modeLs aI CognITive | 36.00 | 5 |
EVOCATIVE | adaptivE behaVioral mOdels robotiC Ai cogniTIVE | 36.00 | 6 |
POLITE | adaPtive behaviOral modeLs aI cogniTivE | 36.00 | 5 |
EVEREST | adaptivE behaVioral modEls Robotic systEmS cogniTive | 36.00 | 6 |
ALLIER | Adaptive behavioraL modeLs robotIc systEms bRain | 36.00 | 6 |
POSTER | adaPtive behaviOral modelS roboTic systEms bRain | 36.00 | 6 |
PASTE | adaPtive behAvioral modelS roboTic systEms | 36.00 | 5 |
POLICY | adaPtive behaviOral modeLs robotIC sYstems | 36.00 | 5 |
TRITE | adapTive inspiRed aI cogniTivE | 36.00 | 4 |
ESPRIT | adaptivE inSPiRed aI cogniTive | 36.00 | 4 |
PLAN | adaPtive behavioraL Ai cogNitive | 36.00 | 4 |
PLANE | adaPtive behavioraL Ai cogNitivE | 36.00 | 4 |
PLANT | adaPtive behavioraL Ai cogNiTive | 36.00 | 4 |
PLAIN | adaPtive behavioraL AI cogNitive | 36.00 | 4 |
PLAINT | adaPtive behavioraL AI cogNiTive | 36.00 | 4 |
PLAINTIVE | adaPtive behavioraL AI cogNiTIVE | 36.00 | 4 |
ALSO | Adaptive behavioraL modelS cOgnitive | 36.00 | 4 |
DEVISE | aDaptive bEhaVIoral modelS cognitivE | 36.00 | 4 |
DOLT | aDaptive behaviOral modeLs roboTic | 36.00 | 4 |
PAST | adaPtive behAvioral modelS roboTic | 36.00 | 4 |
PAROLE | adaPtive behAvioRal mOdeLs cognitivE | 36.00 | 4 |
PILE | adaPtive behavIoraL modEls | 36.00 | 3 |
PROVE | adaPtive behavioRal cOgnitiVE | 36.00 | 3 |
TIRADE | adapTive behavIoRAl moDEls | 36.00 | 3 |
TIDE | adapTive behavIoral moDEls | 36.00 | 3 |
TILDE | adapTive behavIoraL moDEls | 36.00 | 3 |
TOOT | adapTive behaviOral mOdels roboTic | 36.00 | 4 |
THOSE | adapTive beHavioral mOdelS cognitivE | 36.00 | 4 |
THIRST | adapTive beHavIoRal modelS roboTic | 36.00 | 4 |
VIREO | adaptiVe behavIoRal modEls cOgnitive | 36.00 | 4 |
RITE | inspiRed aI cogniTivE | 36.00 | 3 |
EAT | inspirEd Ai cogniTive | 36.00 | 3 |
VAT | adaptiVe Ai cogniTive | 36.00 | 3 |
DIRT | aDaptive behavIoRal cogniTive | 36.00 | 3 |
PRO | adaPtive behavioRal cOgnitive | 36.00 | 3 |
PART | adaPtive behAvioRal cogniTive | 36.00 | 3 |
TOO | adapTive behaviOral cOgnitive | 36.00 | 3 |
VOTIVE | adaptiVe cOgniTIVE | 36.00 | 2 |
VOTE | adaptiVe cOgniTivE | 36.00 | 2 |
DOLL | aDaptive behaviOraL modeLs | 36.00 | 3 |
DIS | aDaptive behavIoral modelS | 36.00 | 3 |
POD | adaPtive behaviOral moDels | 36.00 | 3 |
PROD | adaPtive behavioRal mODels | 36.00 | 3 |
PROS | adaPtive behavioRal mOdelS | 36.00 | 3 |
PAS | adaPtive behAvioral modelS | 36.00 | 3 |
PAIRS | adaPtive behAvIoRal modelS | 36.00 | 3 |
PARS | adaPtive behAvioRal modelS | 36.00 | 3 |
THIS | adapTive beHavIoral modelS | 36.00 | 3 |
TOOL | adapTive behaviOral mOdeLs | 36.00 | 3 |
TRAM | adapTive behavioRAl Models | 36.00 | 3 |
TALL | adapTive behAvioraL modeLs | 36.00 | 3 |
TAIL | adapTive behAvIoral modeLs | 36.00 | 3 |
IVES | adaptIVe bEhavioral modelS | 36.00 | 3 |
VEIL | adaptiVe bEhavIoral modeLs | 36.00 | 3 |
VEAL | adaptiVe bEhaviorAl modeLs | 36.00 | 3 |
VIM | adaptiVe behavIoral Models | 36.00 | 3 |
DORA | aDaptive behaviORAl | 36.00 | 2 |
TAR | adapTive behAvioRal | 36.00 | 2 |
TARA | adapTive behAvioRAl | 36.00 | 2 |
TIARA | adapTIve behAvioRAl | 36.00 | 2 |
VERA | adaptiVe bEhavioRAl | 36.00 | 2 |
ILLITERATE | adaptIve behavioraL modeLs robotIc sysTEms bRain Ai cogniTivE | 37.13 | 8 |
EVISCERATE | adaptivE behaVIoral modelS robotiC systEms bRain Ai cogniTivE | 37.13 | 8 |
PALISADE | adaPtive behAvioral modeLs robotIc Systems brAin inspireD cognitivE | 37.13 | 8 |
ERECTING | adaptivE behavioRal modEls robotiC sysTems braIn iNspired coGnitive | 37.13 | 8 |
ERECTION | adaptivE behavioRal modEls robotiC sysTems aI cOgNitive | 37.29 | 7 |
DESCEND | aDaptive bEhavioral modelS robotiC systEms braiN inspireD | 37.29 | 7 |
PADDIE | adaPtive behAvioral moDels inspireD aI cognitivE | 37.50 | 6 |
PROTEST | adaPtive behavioRal mOdels roboTic systEmS cogniTive | 37.50 | 6 |
EASTER | adaptivE behAvioral modelS roboTic systEms bRain | 37.50 | 6 |
PLEAT | adaPtive behavioraL modEls Ai cogniTive | 37.80 | 5 |
TASTE | adapTive behAvioral modelS roboTic systEms | 37.80 | 5 |
TOASTY | adapTive behaviOrAl modelS roboTic sYstems | 37.80 | 5 |
ENDIVE | adaptivE iNspireD aI cognitiVE | 38.25 | 4 |
ERIN | adaptivE inspiRed aI cogNitive | 38.25 | 4 |
PLAIT | adaPtive behavioraL Ai cognITive | 38.25 | 4 |
AROSE | Adaptive behavioRal mOdelS cognitivE | 38.25 | 4 |
DOODLE | aDaptive behaviOral mODeLs cognitivE | 38.25 | 4 |
DOST | aDaptive behaviOral modelS roboTic | 38.25 | 4 |
POET | adaPtive behaviOral modEls roboTic | 38.25 | 4 |
TARSI | adapTive behAvioRal modelS cognItive | 38.25 | 4 |
TORSO | adapTive behaviORal modelS cOgnitive | 38.25 | 4 |
TROT | adapTive behavioRal mOdels roboTic | 38.25 | 4 |
THIEVE | adapTive beHavIoral modEls cognitiVE | 38.25 | 4 |
IRON | adaptIve behavioRal mOdels cogNitive | 38.25 | 4 |
VARLET | adaptiVe behAvioRaL modEls roboTic | 38.25 | 4 |
VALET | adaptiVe behAvioraL modEls roboTic | 38.25 | 4 |
VEST | adaptiVe bEhavioral modelS roboTic | 38.25 | 4 |
EVIDENT | adaptivE behaVIoral moDEls cogNiTive | 38.25 | 4 |
ELMER | adaptivE behavioraL ModEls Robotic | 38.25 | 4 |
VILLEIN | adaptiVe behavIoraL modeLs inspirEd aI cogNitive | 39.00 | 6 |
EROSIVE | adaptivE behavioRal mOdels inSpired aI cognitiVE | 39.00 | 6 |
DIOCESE | aDaptive behavIoral mOdels robotiC systEmS cognitivE | 39.00 | 6 |
PLECTRA | adaPtive behavioraL modEls robotiC sysTems bRAin | 39.00 | 6 |
EASIER | adaptivE behAvioral modelS robotIc systEms bRain | 39.00 | 6 |
EERIE | adaptivE bEhavioRal cognItivE | 39.00 | 3 |
EDIT | inspirED aI cogniTive | 39.00 | 3 |
POLE | adaPtive behaviOraL modEls | 39.00 | 3 |
TILE | adapTive behavIoraL modEls | 39.00 | 3 |
TROVE | adapTive behavioRal cOgnitiVE | 39.00 | 3 |
VALE | adaptiVe behAvioraL modEls | 39.00 | 3 |
RAVE | inspiRed Ai cognitiVE | 39.00 | 3 |
ART | Adaptive behavioRal cogniTive | 39.00 | 3 |
ARTIE | Adaptive behavioRal cogniTIvE | 39.00 | 3 |
ARTE | Adaptive behavioRal cogniTivE | 39.00 | 3 |
ALE | Adaptive behavioraL modEls | 39.00 | 3 |
PORE | adaPtive behaviORal modEls | 39.00 | 3 |
PORN | adaPtive behaviORal cogNitive | 39.00 | 3 |
TART | adapTive behAvioRal cogniTive | 39.00 | 3 |
TIRE | adapTive behavIoRal modEls | 39.00 | 3 |
VET | adaptiVe bEhavioral cogniTive | 39.00 | 3 |
DOS | aDaptive behaviOral modelS | 39.00 | 3 |
PILL | adaPtive behavIoraL modeLs | 39.00 | 3 |
TOLD | adapTive behaviOraL moDels | 39.00 | 3 |
TOAD | adapTive behaviOrAl moDels | 39.00 | 3 |
TROD | adapTive behavioRal mODels | 39.00 | 3 |
VIOL | adaptiVe behavIoral mOdeLs | 39.00 | 3 |
EEL | adaptivE bEhavioral modeLs | 39.00 | 3 |
VIOLETTE | adaptiVe behavIOraL modEls roboTic sysTEms | 39.60 | 5 |
MARIE | systeMs brAin inspiRed aI cognitivE | 39.60 | 5 |
PISTE | adaPtive behavIoral modelS roboTic systEms | 39.60 | 5 |
POSTDATE | adaPtive behaviOral modelS roboTic inspireD Ai cogniTivE | 39.86 | 7 |
ELECTION | adaptivE behavioraL modEls robotiC sysTems aI cOgNitive | 39.86 | 7 |
ELECTRO | adaptivE behavioraL modEls robotiC sysTems bRain cOgnitive | 39.86 | 7 |
ELECTRON | adaptivE behavioraL modEls robotiC sysTems bRain cOgNitive | 39.86 | 7 |
DISTEND | aDaptive behavIoral modelS roboTic systEms braiN inspireD | 39.86 | 7 |
ILEITIS | adaptIve behavioraL modEls robotIc sysTems braIn inSpired | 39.86 | 7 |
ERADICATE | adaptivE behavioRAl moDels robotIC Ai cogniTivE | 40.50 | 6 |
POLITEST | adaPtive behaviOral modeLs robotIc sysTEmS cogniTive | 40.50 | 6 |
TIRESOME | adapTive behavIoRal modElS rObotic systeMs cognitivE | 40.50 | 6 |
ELLISON | adaptivE behavioraL modeLs robotIc Systems cOgNitive | 40.50 | 6 |
ERECT | adaptivE behavioRal modEls CogniTive | 40.50 | 4 |
ALIVE | Adaptive behavioraL aI cognitiVE | 40.50 | 4 |
PLAT | adaPtive behavioraL Ai cogniTive | 40.50 | 4 |
PLATE | adaPtive behavioraL Ai cogniTivE | 40.50 | 4 |
ELICIT | adaptivE behavioraL aI CognITive | 40.50 | 4 |
ADVISE | ADaptive behaVIoral modelS cognitivE | 40.50 | 4 |
PLOT | adaPtive behavioraL mOdels roboTic | 40.50 | 4 |
TILT | adapTive behavIoral modeLs roboTic | 40.50 | 4 |
TRENT | adapTive behavioRal modEls cogNiTive | 40.50 | 4 |
THEE | adapTive beHavioral modEls cognitivE | 40.50 | 4 |
THESE | adapTive beHavioral modElS cognitivE | 40.50 | 4 |
THREE | adapTive beHavioRal modEls cognitivE | 40.50 | 4 |
VIOLENT | adaptiVe behavIOraL modEls cogNiTive | 40.50 | 4 |
EVEN | adaptivE behaVioral modEls cogNitive | 40.50 | 4 |
EVENT | adaptivE behaVioral modEls cogNiTive | 40.50 | 4 |
PLEB | adaPtive behavioraL modEls roBotic | 40.50 | 4 |
ELOISE | adaptivE behavioraL mOdels robotIc SystEms | 41.40 | 5 |
ELLIOT | adaptivE behavioraL modeLs aI cOgniTive | 41.40 | 5 |
ELDON | adaptivE behavioraL moDels rObotic cogNitive | 41.40 | 5 |
ALLIES | Adaptive behavioraL modeLs robotIc systEmS | 41.40 | 5 |
POSITS | adaPtive behaviOral modelS robotIc sysTemS | 41.40 | 5 |
VIDELICET | adaptiVe behavIoral moDELs robotIC systEms cogniTive | 42.00 | 6 |
VISCERA | adaptiVe behavIoral modelS robotiC systEms bRAin | 42.00 | 6 |
ERECTER | adaptivE behavioRal modEls robotiC sysTEms bRain | 42.00 | 6 |
TRADE | adapTive behavioRAl moDEls | 42.00 | 3 |
EVADE | adaptivE behaViorAl moDEls | 42.00 | 3 |
RIVE | inspiRed aI cognitiVE | 42.00 | 3 |
EAVE | inspirEd Ai cognitiVE | 42.00 | 3 |
ALI | Adaptive behavioraL cognItive | 42.00 | 3 |
PRE | adaPtive behavioRal modEls | 42.00 | 3 |
TORE | adapTive behaviORal modEls | 42.00 | 3 |
TORN | adapTive behaviORal cogNitive | 42.00 | 3 |
EARN | adaptivE behAvioRal cogNitive | 42.00 | 3 |
ALL | Adaptive behavioraL modeLs | 42.00 | 3 |
POLL | adaPtive behaviOraL modeLs | 42.00 | 3 |
PLOD | adaPtive behavioraL mODels | 42.00 | 3 |
TILL | adapTive behavIoraL modeLs | 42.00 | 3 |
VAL | adaptiVe behAvioral modeLs | 42.00 | 3 |
VAIL | adaptiVe behAvIoral modeLs | 42.00 | 3 |
ELIOT | adaptivE behavioraL aI cOgniTive | 42.75 | 4 |
POOLE | adaPtive behaviOral mOdeLs cognitivE | 42.75 | 4 |
POODLE | adaPtive behaviOral mODeLs cognitivE | 42.75 | 4 |
POST | adaPtive behaviOral modelS roboTic | 42.75 | 4 |
PHASE | adaPtive beHAvioral modelS cognitivE | 42.75 | 4 |
PHRASE | adaPtive beHavioRAl modelS cognitivE | 42.75 | 4 |
TEASE | adapTive bEhaviorAl modelS cognitivE | 42.75 | 4 |
TERSE | adapTive bEhavioRal modelS cognitivE | 42.75 | 4 |
IRENE | adaptIve behavioRal modEls cogNitivE | 42.75 | 4 |
VIOLET | adaptiVe behavIOraL modEls roboTic | 42.75 | 4 |
VIET | adaptiVe behavIoral modEls roboTic | 42.75 | 4 |
VAST | adaptiVe behAvioral modelS roboTic | 42.75 | 4 |
ELDER | adaptivE behavioraL moDEls Robotic | 42.75 | 4 |
PISCES | adaPtive behavIoral modelS robotiC systEmS | 43.20 | 5 |
PASTIME | adaPtive behAvioral modelS roboTIc systeMs cognitivE | 43.50 | 6 |
ELECTIVE | adaptivE behavioraL modEls CogniTIVE | 45.00 | 4 |
EASIEST | adaptivE behAvioral modelS robotIc systEmS cogniTive | 45.00 | 6 |
ELECTRA | adaptivE behavioraL modEls robotiC sysTems bRAin | 45.00 | 6 |
VOLTE | adaptiVe behaviOral modeLs roboTic systEms | 45.00 | 5 |
ELECT | adaptivE behavioraL modEls CogniTive | 45.00 | 4 |
ELAINE | adaptivE behavioraL AI cogNitivE | 45.00 | 4 |
PARSE | adaPtive behAvioRal modelS cognitivE | 45.00 | 4 |
PROSE | adaPtive behavioRal mOdelS cognitivE | 45.00 | 4 |
TOAST | adapTive behaviOrAl modelS roboTic | 45.00 | 4 |
VILE | adaptiVe behavIoraL modEls | 45.00 | 3 |
VILLI | adaptiVe behavIoraL modeLs cognItive | 45.00 | 4 |
EVOLVE | adaptivE behaVioral mOdeLs cognitiVE | 45.00 | 4 |
EAST | adaptivE behAvioral modelS roboTic | 45.00 | 4 |
VIE | adaptiVe behavIoral modEls | 45.00 | 3 |
PORT | adaPtive behaviORal cogniTive | 45.00 | 3 |
VERVE | adaptiVe bEhavioRal cognitiVE | 45.00 | 3 |
EVE | adaptivE behaVioral modEls | 45.00 | 3 |
TOLL | adapTive behaviOraL modeLs | 45.00 | 3 |
EARL | adaptivE behAvioRal modeLs | 45.00 | 3 |
ELLIS | adaptivE behavioraL modeLs robotIc Systems | 46.80 | 5 |
ALEE | Adaptive behavioraL modEls cognitivE | 47.25 | 4 |
ATLEE | AdapTive behavioraL modEls cognitivE | 47.25 | 4 |
DOSE | aDaptive behaviOral modelS cognitivE | 47.25 | 4 |
TIREE | adapTive behavIoRal modEls cognitivE | 47.25 | 4 |
VALVE | adaptiVe behAvioral modeLs cognitiVE | 47.25 | 4 |
VERSE | adaptiVe bEhavioRal modelS cognitivE | 47.25 | 4 |
VOLT | adaptiVe behaviOral modeLs roboTic | 47.25 | 4 |
VOLE | adaptiVe behaviOraL modEls | 48.00 | 3 |
ERODE | adaptivE behavioRal mODEls | 48.00 | 3 |
TORT | adapTive behaviORal cogniTive | 48.00 | 3 |
TORTE | adapTive behaviORal cogniTivE | 48.00 | 3 |
IRE | adaptIve behavioRal modEls | 48.00 | 3 |
EIRE | adaptivE behavIoRal modEls | 48.00 | 3 |
VIRAL | adaptiVe behavIoRAl modeLs | 48.00 | 3 |
VIAL | adaptiVe behavIorAl modeLs | 48.00 | 3 |
EROS | adaptivE behavioRal mOdelS | 48.00 | 3 |
EVIL | adaptivE behaVIoral modeLs | 48.00 | 3 |
ERECTS | adaptivE behavioRal modEls robotiC sysTemS | 48.60 | 5 |
ERIE | adaptivE inspiRed aI cognitivE | 49.50 | 4 |
ELATE | adaptivE behavioraL Ai cogniTivE | 49.50 | 4 |
VALLE | adaptiVe behAvioraL modeLs cognitivE | 49.50 | 4 |
TOR | adapTive behaviORal | 49.50 | 2 |
EAR | adaptivE behAvioRal | 49.50 | 2 |
ELSIE | adaptivE behavioraL inSpired aI cognitivE | 50.40 | 5 |
ERG | adaptivE behavioRal coGnitive | 51.00 | 3 |
VIS | adaptiVe behavIoral modelS | 51.00 | 3 |
ELM | adaptivE behavioraL Models | 51.00 | 3 |
ELITE | adaptivE behavioraL aI cogniTivE | 51.75 | 4 |
POSE | adaPtive behaviOral modelS cognitivE | 51.75 | 4 |
TREE | adapTive behavioRal modEls cognitivE | 51.75 | 4 |
VASE | adaptiVe behAvioral modelS cognitivE | 51.75 | 4 |
VLEI | adaptiVe behavioraL modEls cognItive | 51.75 | 4 |
ELDEST | adaptivE behavioraL moDElS roboTic | 51.75 | 4 |
ELLIE | adaptivE behavioraL modeLs aI cognitivE | 54.00 | 5 |
EASE | adaptivE behAvioral modelS cognitivE | 54.00 | 4 |
ERST | adaptivE behavioRal modelS roboTic | 54.00 | 4 |
ERE | adaptivE behavioRal modEls | 54.00 | 3 |
VIA | adaptiVe behavIorAl | 54.00 | 2 |
EVA | adaptivE behaViorAl | 54.00 | 2 |
ILL | adaptIve behavioraL modeLs | 57.00 | 3 |
IRA | adaptIve behavioRAl | 58.50 | 2 |
ERAS | adaptivE behavioRAl modelS | 60.00 | 3 |
ERSE | adaptivE behavioRal modelS cognitivE | 63.00 | 4 |
ERASE | adaptivE behavioRAl modelS cognitivE | 63.00 | 4 |
ELL | adaptivE behavioraL modeLs | 63.00 | 3 |
ELLE | adaptivE behavioraL modeLs cognitivE | 65.25 | 4 |
ELSE | adaptivE behavioraL modelS cognitivE | 67.50 | 4 |
ERA | adaptivE behavioRAl | 67.50 | 2 |